Research Article |
Corresponding author: Vladimir M. Troyanov ( ) Academic editor: Georgy Tikhomirov
© 2022 Vladimir M. Troyanov , Georgy I. Toshinsky , Vladimir S. Stepanov , Vladimir V. Petrochenko .
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Troyanov VM, Toshinsky GI, Stepanov VS, Petrochenko VV (2022) Lead-bismuth cooled reactors: history and the potential of development. Part 2. Prospects for development. Nuclear Energy and Technology 8(4): 237-246.
The article presents the main provisions of the concept of the design of the SVBR-100 civilian reactor that meets the requirements for Generation IV nuclear technologies, which is being developed on the basis of a critically analyzed experience in developing and operating lead-bismuth-cooled reactor plants. The authors describe the current status of the project and the prospects for the use of such reactor plants in the nuclear power industry after demonstrating their reliability and safety in the operating conditions of a pilot commercial power plant.
Lead-bismuth coolant, reactor, steam generator, safety, core, nuclear power engineering
Based on the experience gained in the process of constructing and operating the lead-bismuth-cooled reactor plants (RP), the SVBR-100 civilian reactor is currently being developed. A characteristic feature of this reactor is a high level of inherent self-protection, which deterministically excludes the causes of the most severe accidents requiring evacuation of the population. This is due to the natural properties of the lead-bismuth coolant (LBC), its very high boiling point and chemical inertness in contact with water and air, which is possible in case of depressurization of the circuits.
As a result, there is no need to maintain high pressure in the reactor, heat removal crisis and hydrogen generation are eliminated. Due to this, it is possible not to use a number of safety systems required in traditional RPs and reduce the cost of the RPs themselves. The selected power of 100 MW(e) makes it possible to transport the reactor monoblock in factory readiness by various means of transport, in particular by rail, which reduces the construction period. On the other hand, at this power level (reactor dimensions), it becomes possible to obtain a breeding ratio in the MOX-fueled core greater than unity. At the same time, in a closed nuclear fuel cycle, the reactor will operate in the fuel self-sufficiency mode, which will become important when the resources of cheap natural uranium are exhausted.
On the basis of a tested reactor module, it is possible to create NPPs for various purposes with a power unit capacity divisible by 100 MW(e) without additional R&D efforts.
The period of time between the completion of the operation of the NPS reactors (1996) and the start of works on the SVBR, which took about ten years, fell on the very difficult years of the collapse of the Soviet Union and was characterized by a virtual complete cessation of funding. During this time, the total number of employees working in this field decreased by more than ten times, but key specialists possessing critical knowledge survived.
The first work proposed by the SSC RF – IPPE that received real financial support was “A Feasibility Study of the Renovation of Power Units 2, 3 and 4 at the Novovoronezh NPP after Their End of Life with Using a Nuclear Steam Generating Module an SVBR-75 Reactor (75 MW(e)) with the Lead-Bismuth Liquid Metal Coolant.”
In 1995, by decision of the directorate of the Rosenergoatom Concern, which was headed by Ye.I. Ignatenko, five billion rubles were allocated for this work in promissory notes, which soon turned into five million rubles, and more than 90% of these funds were received by barter (including metal, gasoline, building materials), which had to be sold with a large “shrinkage” in order to obtain money. Such was the country’s economy in those years. The aforementioned feasibility study for the renovation of the out-dated power units of the NvNPP was carried out by OKB Gidropress, GNIPKII Atomenergoproekt and the SSC RF – IPPE (
The results of this work were discussed at the Scientific and Technical Council of the Rosenergoatom Concern in 1998, which, in particular, recommended “... to continue and complete in 1999 research and justification of technical and economic indicators and the amount of investment in the reconstruction of NvNPP-2, taking into account the comparative analysis of alternative options for the use of facilities and equipment of this power unit”. However, this recommendation was not implemented.
Afterwards, some funds were received under the ISTC (International Science and Technology Center) project, which paid money in foreign currency directly to specialists to reduce the risk of their going abroad and letting out know-how allowing non-nuclear countries to make nuclear weapons. One of such projects, implemented by OKB Gidropress and IPPE, was aimed at creating a liquid metal (lead-bismuth alloy) target of 1 MW for a proton accelerator. Another project (a partnership agreement with a Japanese company) directly concerned the development of a modular fast reactor of the SVBR-100 type. This project participated in the fast reactor competition held in Japan after the sodium fire at the Monju fast reactor. The competition was lost as Japan headed for the restoration of this reactor. Besides that, there was a contract with the Japanese company Marubeni to perform some works on the lead-bismuth coolant.
This made it possible to preserve the qualified personnel and consolidate the funds received under the ISTC project and the Japanese contract, transferring part of them to the Atomenergoproekt Institute and OKB Gidropress and, through this, to develop a “Conceptual design of a nuclear power plant with two units of 1600 MW each, based on the RP SVBR-75/100”. The Rosenergoatom Concern did not allocate funding for this work but agreed on the design specifications. The unit power was chosen at the level of 1600 MW (16 SVBR-75/100 modules) in order to be able to correctly compare economic indicators with a nuclear power plant based on two power units with VVER-1500 reactors.
When calculating the technical and economic indicators of the NPP developed in the conceptual design, GNIPKII Atomenergoproekt introduced an additional reserve of 17% for unforeseen expenses into the calculated value of capital costs for the construction of a two-unit modular SVBR NPP, against the standard reserve of 3%, which was introduced for NPPs with two VVER-1500 units. If this reserve is attributed to the cost of the ‘nuclear island’, it will be 60%. This approach is quite reasonable, since all other costs for the SVBR NPP (turbine, generator, cooling tower, etc.) are very close to the corresponding costs for the VVER-1500 NPP. None of the nine expert organizations commented that the accepted reserve was insufficient.
The comparison of the technical and economic indicators of these NPPs showed the advantage of NPPs with SVBR units despite the fact that the SVBR-75/100 reactor unit design was carried out with great conservatism, which predetermined a great potential for improving the project (increasing the reactor plant capacity by at least 20% due to the allowable increase in the temperature of the LBC without changing the weight, size and cost characteristics, the transition from saturated to superheated steam, etc.) (
The results of the conceptual project, presented in eight books, were considered at a meeting of the Scientific and Technical Research Council of the Rosenergoatom Concern on May 27, 2002 with the participation of experts from nine organizations. The Council, in particular, decided as follows: paragraph 2.1. – “To approve the development of the “Conceptual design of a nuclear power plant with two units of 1600 MW each, based on the RP SVBR-75/100”, which shows the capabilities of one of the new directions for the development of nuclear power”, and paragraph 2.3. – “In order to determine the feasibility of extending the service life of power units of NPPs with light water reactors by means of their renovation using alternative nuclear technologies, it is recommended that FSUE AEP, SSC RF – IPPE and OKB Gidropress conduct an Investment Rationale for the renovation NvNPP-2 based on the SVBR-75/100 reactor plant. The term is the 3rd quarter of 2003”. But this decision was not implemented either.
Further, in 2003, the new minister A.Yu. Rumyantsev held a six-hour meeting. The work performed on the SVBR-75/100 reactor and instructions were given to allocate funding but, in fact, nothing significant was done.
Important decisions related to the SVBR were made in 2006, when a new team came to the leadership of the Federal Atomic Energy Agency. Scientific and Technical Research Council No. 1 recommended that work be directed to the creation of a pilot power unit, and in 2008 the Director General of the State Corporation Rosatom S.V. Kirienko and O.V. Deripaska signed the Protocol on public-private partnership in the joint development of the basic SVBR technology. These events were preceded by a letter from academicians G.I. Marchuk and V.I. Subbotin, sent at the end of 2005 to the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, about the need to support this unique technology.
Later, by a joint decision of S.V. Kirienko and O.V. Deripaska, a public-private enterprise JSC AKME-engineering was formed to implement this technology.
The concept of the SVBR-100 RP was based on the following fundamental provisions:
Leading developers of the SVBR-100 reactor (2011). From left to right, sitting: V.S. (JSC OKB Gidropress), G.I. Toshinsky (SSC RF – IPPE); standing: M.P. Vakhrushin, S.N. Seroshtan (JSC OKB Gidropress), A.Ye. Rusanov, P.N. Martynov (SSC RF – IPPE), A.V. Dedul (JSC OKB Gidropress), O.G. Komlev (SSC RF – IPPE), N.N. Klimov (JSC OKB Gidropress).
This reactor was developed using a conservative approach. It consisted in the fact that the design of the reactor included, basically, technical solutions borrowed or scaled with small coefficients, verified by the experience of operating transport reactors and other reactor plants.
This applies to almost all the main components, assemblies and a number of equipment items of the reactor plant: fuel pellets, fuel rod claddings, fuel assemblies, absorber rods, internals, actuators of absorber rods, devices of the LBC technology system, steam generators with Field tubes, steam separators, autonomous cooling condensers, gas system condensers, refueling system equipment, etc.
The conservative approach is also characterized by the use of the mastered operating parameters for the primary and secondary circuits and the focus on the existing fuel infrastructure and technological capabilities of machine-building enterprises.
This approach makes it possible to significantly reduce technical and financial risks, potential errors and failures during the implementation of innovative nuclear technologies, as well as the scope, timing and R&D costs. The characteristic features of the SVBR-100 reactor are shown below.
The choiced reactor power at the level of 100 MW(e) or 280 MW(th), and hence the reactor size, is determined by the following reasons:
When oxide uranium fuel with postponed latter reprocessing is used, the consumption of natural uranium will be 2–2.5 times higher than that of VVER-1000 reactors. Therefore, it is envisaged that after the first two campaigns, the reactor will be transferred to a closed nuclear fuel cycle using its own plutonium and unburnt uranium-235. The calculation results have shown that the cumulative consumption of natural uranium by one VVER-1000 reactor operating in an open fuel cycle with postponed latter reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and ten SVBR-100 reactors starting to operate on oxide uranium fuel with a transition to a closed NFC using own SNF after the second campaign is compared after 33 years, and over the power unit life, the integral consumption of uranium will be 30% lower than for one VVER-1000 reactor (
Thus, it becomes possible to develop a strategy for a closed nuclear fuel cycle that does not require preliminary expensive reprocessing of SNF from thermal reactors in order to separate plutonium from it to supply fuel to SVBR-100 reactors. This approach is also applicable to other fast reactors, if it is economically feasible, within the framework of a unified closed nuclear fuel cycle of a two-component nuclear power industry.
The flexibility of the SVBR-100 reactor with respect to the type of fuel and the fuel cycle, which is implemented in the principle “I work on the type of fuel that is the most efficient at the current stage of nuclear power development”, can contribute to a timely gradual economically justified (a posteriori) transition to a closed nuclear fuel cycle with simultaneous solution of the problem of disposal of long-lived radioactive waste, taking into account the fact that minor actinides are efficiently burned in the fast reactors.
For other fuel types, the following conditions are provided (
Of course, the fuel reliability during such campaigns requires experimental confirmation.
Reactor self-protection against LOCA accidents
Compatibility of the coolant with the working fluid of the secondary circuit and with the fuel
Reactor self-protection against LOHS and ULOHS accidents
Self-protection against reactive accidents and UTOP accidents
Self-protection against ULOF accidents
Self-protection against SGTR accidents
Self-protection against unauthorized “freezing” of the LBC in the RP
The radioactivity release into the environment is excluded by a system of arranged in depth protective barriers, including the following components:
To assess the safety potential of the SVBR-100 reactor, in 2003, a preliminary computational analysis of the consequences of a postulated severe accident (
Such a combination of initial events would be possible only in extreme situations: military actions, terrorist attack, extremely rare natural disasters, etc. The results of the performed computational analysis showed that even in this case, under the most unfavorable atmospheric conditions, the resettlement of the population outside the three-kilometer zone was not required.
The analysis indicates that the SVBR-100 reactor plant is not an amplifier of external influences. Therefore, the scale of damage will be determined only by the energy of the external forces. Reactors of this type provide increased stability not only in cases of single equipment failures and human errors, but also in cases of deliberate malicious acts, when all the special safety systems operating in standby mode can be deliberately disabled. Catastrophic accidents such as the Chernobyl or Fukushima nuclear disasters, as well as fires like the one that happened at the Monju reactor, are absolutely impossible here. This is especially important when nuclear power plants are construct in developing countries with a high level of terrorist threat.
When such reactors to be used in the future nuclear power industry, the post-Fukushima call of the group of international experts (NEVER AGAIN) should be realized.
Light water reactors of the VVER/PWR type, which form the basis of the nuclear power industry, operate reliably and meet modern safety requirements, the quantitative criterion of which is the probability of a severe accident requiring the evacuation of the population. However, the probabilistic safety analysis (PSA) methods do not seem to be convincing for the population experiencing a feeling of radiophobia, and they lose their meaning when the severe accident initiators are not random (equipment failures, personnel errors) but are caused by malicious actions (sabotage or terrorist attacks), when all standby safety systems can be deliberately disabled and transport gateways in the containment can be opened. Such NPPs in the hands of terrorists can become an instrument of political blackmail, which was the reason for considering this problem in the IAEA (
The results of the safety analysis using the PSA methods, which are legalized in the regulatory documentation for severe accidents, the probability of which is very low (1∙10–5 per reactor-year), do not have the necessary degree of persuasiveness. This is due to the great diversity and complexity of the processes occurring in a severe accident, the lack of a number of initial data necessary for the calculation, and the great uncertainty of the available data.
The aforementioned probability of a severe accident, which characterizes the average frequency of its occurrence, is socially acceptable for the existing number of power units operating in the world (about 500) and the average time of their operation. With this number of power units and a specified probability of a severe accident of 1∙10–5 per reactor-year, severe accidents can occur with a periodicity of 200 years. This is much longer than the lifespan of people in whose memory such distant events have little significance.
However, if the number of power units increases to 10,000 in the future (this number of power units is necessary for the nuclear power industry to fulfill its mission to reduce carbon emissions), the average frequency of severe accidents will already be 10 years, which is completely unacceptable.
At the same time, in the perception of the population, the possibility of catastrophic consequences of a nuclear accident is much more important than the very low probability of its realization (
Nevertheless, the PSA methods have been and continue to be useful, and in many cases the only tools for quantifying safety performance. However, using them, it is impossible to substantiate the exclusion of an improbable severe accident for the existing types of reactors. This does not contribute to reducing the radiophobia of the population, in particular in a number of countries experiencing a shortage of electricity and being a potential market for the construction of NPPs. It is much easier to convince the population of the safety of NPPs without resorting to the PSA methods but relying on people’s life experience: if there is no high pressure in the reactor and hydrogen is not generated, then there can be no explosions and fires fraught with radioactivity releases.
Efficient use of the energy potential of natural uranium. The SVBR-100 reactor satisfies this requirement, since in a closed nuclear fuel cycle, using mixed uranium-plutonium fuel, it operates in the fuel self-sufficiency mode, having a CBR slightly higher than unity.
A fundamentally higher level of safety. Using a chemically inert lead-bismuth coolant with a very high boiling point, the SVBR-100 reactor satisfies this requirement due to the high level of inherent self-protection of the reactor, which is determined by the very low value of the stored potential energy in the coolant (for comparison, the values of the potential energy accumulated in the coolant are about 20 GJ/m3, 10 GJ/m3, and 1 GJ/m3 for water, sodium, and heavy liquid metal coolant (HLMC), respectively (
Increased resistance to the proliferation of nuclear fissile materials. The SVBR-100 reactor satisfies this requirement due to the absence of breeding zones, in which weapon-grade plutonium can accumulate, the use of uranium oxide fuel with low-enriched uranium (20%), the long campaign (7–8 years) without fuel reloading, and the lack of technical possibilities for access to fuel during the campaign.
A fundamentally higher level of manufacturability. The fulfillment of this requirement is ensured due to the full prefabrication of the main component, i.e., the reactor monoblock and the possibility of its delivery to the NPP site in high readiness by rail or other modes of transport.
Acceptable technical and economic indicators. The SVBR-100 reactor satisfies this requirement due to:
The experience of operating transport lead-bismuth-cooled reactors was taken into account to the fullest extent in the development of the SVBR-100 reactor. However, the operating conditions for the equipment of transport nuclear power plants and NPP reactor plants are significantly different. The transport reactors operate mainly at low power levels and at low temperatures of the LBC, while the NPP reactors mainly operate at rated power. In addition, the requirements for the service life of NPP reactor plant equipment are significantly higher than those for transport reactors. Their technical and economic indicators also require direct confirmation.
All this makes it necessary to create a pilot power unit with the SVBR-100 reactor. It should be emphasized that the costs for the construction of the pilot (prototype) power unit are one-time, since, on the basis of the tested unified reactor module, it is possible to create nuclear power units of various capacities and purposes without additional large-scale R&D.
At the pilot power unit, which will be equipped with additional sensors and devices, the properties of reactor inherent self-protection and passive safety can be demonstrated under controlled conditions with a combination of equipment failures, human errors and simulation of deliberate malicious actions.
After testing the pilot power unit and confirming the design characteristics of the SVBR-100 reactor, it will be ready for commercialization and wide application as part of NPP power units of various capacities and purposes.
The SVBR-100 project is being implemented by JSC “AKME-engineering”, which is a public-private enterprise formed on a parity basis by the State Corporation Rosatom and JSC “Irkutskenergo”.
At present, JSC “AKME-engineering”
The main objectives of the current stage of the project are to identify opportunities to attract an additional financial partner (possibly foreign), as well as to optimize the EIPU solutions in order to reduce costs. In addition, it is necessary to determine the appearance of serial small- and medium-sized NPPs with SVBR reactors in accordance with the recommendations of industry experts and STC No. 8 of the State Corporation “Rosatom” dated September 15, 2015, which should ensure their competitiveness and investment attractiveness.
The design documentation is developed to the required extent. As part of the project documentation, 12 sections were developed, including 210 volumes and describing the architectural, construction, design, technological and other solutions of the EIPU. As part of the preparation for the licensing of the EIPU, the initial versions of the preliminary safety analysis report and the first level probabilistic safety analysis were developed.
The analysis of the developed project documentation revealed the main areas of optimization: reducing the cost of EIPU equipment, reducing specific indicators (site size, volume of the main buildings of the nuclear island, mass of thermal-mechanical equipment to installed capacity) and the cost of construction and installation works, reducing the number of personnel and increasing the installed electrical capacity.
The technology for managing fresh and spent nuclear fuel had a significant impact on the design decisions. Thus, for example, the height dimensions of the reactor building are determined by the dimensions of the refueling equipment, and the dimensions of the reactor building in plan view are determined by the needs of transport and technological operations for the storage of fresh fuel assemblies, spent fuel assemblies and the arrangement of reloading equipment. For the serial NPPs, the technical solutions adopted for the EIPU will be optimized.
The main system opportunities for improving the technical and economic characteristics of the serial NPPs include as follows: