Review Article |
Corresponding author: Dmitry A. Klinov ( ) Academic editor: Sergey Bedenko
© 2022 Sergey M. Bednyakov, Andrey V. Gulevich, Vladimir G. Dvukhsherstnov, Dmitry A. Klinov, Igor P. Matveenko, Gennadiy M. Mikhailov, Mikhail Y. Semenov.
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Bednyakov SM, Gulevich AV, Dvukhsherstnov VG, Klinov DA, Matveenko IP, Mikhailov GM, Semenov MY (2022) The BFS complex – a unique facility to justify the neutronic parameters of the new generation fast reactor cores. Nuclear Energy and Technology 8(2): 97-105.
The BFS complex comprising two fast critical facilities – BFS-1 and BFS-2 – is a unique experimental base for research into fast reactor physics, reactor safety, core optimization, justification of the closed fuel cycle parameters. The critical facilities have the same pitch of the core lattice, they are loaded with the same materials for core simulations but they differ in size. Over 60 years of the BFS operation, IPPE specialists have gained considerable experience in operating the facilities and carrying out experiments. More than 150 critical assemblies have been studied in BFS.
BFS complex, reactors, fast critical facilities, neutronic parameters, full-scale simulation, refining neutron data, verifying computer codes, benchmark
Paragraph 2.1.4 of the “Nuclear Safety Regulations” (
The BFS CFC allows full-scale simulation of reactor cores with different types of nuclear fuel (metal, mixed oxide, nitride, with added minor actinides (МА)), with different types of coolant (sodium, lead, lead-bismuth, water, etc.), with different control rod materials.
New techniques for measuring the neutronic parameters (for the benefit of high-power new generation reactors as well) are developed and implemented at the critical facility complex (
Besides, the BFS CFC can be used to conduct experiments for refining neutron data and verifying computer codes.
Numerous test instrumentation systems of the BFS CFC help to measure a lot of parameters that cannot be measured in the real reactor. These parameters include, for example, the dense (void) reactivity effect of the coolant.
The key technical parameters of the BFS critical facilities are given in Table 1.
Parameter | Value |
Power (max), kW | |
BFS-1 | 0.2 |
BFS-2 | 1.0 |
Simulated coolant | Na, Pb, Pb-Bi, etc. |
Reflector | U, UO2, Pb, Pb-Bi, steel, etc. |
Fast neutron flux density, (max.), n/(cm2∙s) | |
BFS-1 | up to 108 |
BFS-2 | up to 109 |
Core cooling | Natural convection or forced air cooling |
The BFS-1 critical facility (CF) is designed to study neutronic characteristics of future fast reactors and to assemble benchmarks. It is also possible to simulate light water reactor cores by using water or, instead of water, polyethylene disks. Nuclear fuel storages and technological processings of nuclear fuel cycle can be modelled as well. The BFS-1 facility achieved its first criticality on February 2, 1962.
The vessel of BFS-1 is a vertical steel tank which is 2 m in diameter and 2.7 m in height. The size of the tank allows simulating full-scale mock-ups of up to 1000MW future research and power fast reactors with various core and blanket layouts. The reactor vessel provides for a thermal column and a metal column. The former is used for thermal calibration and the latter – for simulation of the neutron shielding and other reactor zones away from the core centre. At the base of the vessel there is a spacer grid, which is a steel plate 100 mm thick. It has openings which are 35 mm in diameter and arranged in a triangular lattice with a pitch of 51 mm. The vessel is filled up with steel or aluminum tubes (~ 1500 in number) 50×1 mm in diameter, whose shanks enter the openings of the spacer grid. The tubes are filled with disks of fuel, fertile, structural materials and coolant. The number of the disks, their proportion and order are the same as in the cores, fertile blankets and reflectors of simulated reactors.
Some of the tubes placed in the central part of the vessel have pulley drives and act as safety, shim or control rods in the core. These tubes help simulate CR mock-ups. Their composition (a set of disks containing reactor materials in the core and blankets) is similar to the composition of the surrounding tubes in the core.
The BFS-1 critical facility is used to:
The BFS-2 critical facility is designed to study large-size fast reactors. The BFS-2 CF achieved its first criticality on September 30, 1969.
The BFS-2 CF is structurally identical to BFS-1, but it is of a larger size, which makes it possible to assemble high-power reactor mock-ups (thermal power up to 3000 MW). The vessel is 5 m in diameter and 3,3 m in height, the number of tubes in the vessel is about 10000. The tubes have the same diameter as those at the BFS-1 facility and they are filled with the same (as at BFS-1) disks containing reactor materials. Next to the reactor vessel, there are some volumes which make it possible to simulate reactor shielding and to perform a number of additional measurements.
The BFS-2 critical facility is equipped with a coordinate manipulator used for shuffling the tubes in the vessel, rearranging samples and detectors within the critical assembly in the automatic control mode and for operation in the oscillation mode.
BFS-2 was used for research studies on the mock-ups of BN-600, BN-800, BN-1600 reactor cores and fertile blankets (with uranium oxide and MOX fuel) and for research into fast reactor mock-ups with inserts of alternative fuels.
The stock of disks used for simulations at BFS-1 and BFS-2 is the same and includes:
The BFS critical facilities are equipped with experimental and auxiliary devices including:
To make measurements at the BFS complex, there is a wide range of techniques and devices, of which the main are:
Possible types of critical assemblies in the BFS critical facilities:
From the latter half of the 1980s on, experiments carried out in the BFS CFC have involved diverse research studies not only in support of Russian reactors (funded by Russian customers), but also as part of international cooperation including ISTC projects and bilateral international contracts.
As for sodium-cooled fast reactors (e.g. BN-800 project, etc.), special attention was paid to the justification of parameters for cores with a sodium plenum (a series of BN-800 reactor mock-ups and benchmarks to find an acceptable value of SVRE), to the simulation of accidents and to the measurement of CR worths:
Recent years – BN-800 mock-ups with МОХ fuel and a hybrid core.
Starting from the BFS-61 assembly (a benchmark model of a lead-cooled fast reactor with mixed nitride fuel, 1991), a series of assemblies were studied in support of the BREST reactor project:
To justify the project of the SVBR reactor with lead-bismuth coolant, the following critical assemblies were mounted:
As for research on other types of reactors, the following are worth mentioning:
Regarding the problem of weapon-grade plutonium utilization (in accordance with the RF-USA agreement), the critical facilities were used to:
To study the neutronic parameters of the cores with fuel in an inert matrix (without fertile material), the following critical assemblies were mounted:
The new ideas of using novel materials in the cores led to benchmark experiments:
Lack of experimental data on the nuclear fuel cycle safety (contracts with the USA and France) called for criticality studies on wet MOX fuel – BFS-97, BFS-99 (8 options).
In 2010 the Federal Target Programme called “Next-Generation Nuclear Energy Technologies for the period from 2010 to 2015 further extended to 2020” (NGNET FTP) was launched. As part of this programme, a wide range of research studies on advanced fast-neutron reactors was planned and conducted, from the projects of research reactors and small power reactors (MBIR, SVBR-100) to commercial high-power reactor projects (BN-1200 and BREST-1200) (
The basic design of the MBIR research reactor provides for the start-up core configuration with MOX fuel, a steel reflector and an in-core storage with boron shielding, a central loop channel, two peripheral loop channels, three experimental channels, twelve material test assemblies and a CPS system including control rods from highly enriched and natural boron carbides. An important feature of the MBIR reactor core that other fast reactor developments have never offered before is that for every three fuel assemblies in the core there is one empty assembly (an experimental channel that can be loaded with fuel or structural materials when necessary). Another important feature is the unspecified contents of the experimental cells. These can be loaded with structural and fuel materials, coolants, absorbers, etc. Hence, there arose a need for verification of calculation programs for such cores. The BFS structure and the available materials allow the simulation of MBIR’s core material composition, the radial blanket and the shield layouts. Experimental studies on MBIR’s core mock-up were carried out at the BFS-1 facility in two stages. During the first stage, measurements were made to study the reactor state at the start of the fuel lifetime when shim rods were partially inserted (the BFS-111-1 critical assembly). During the second stage, studies were conducted on the BFS-111-2 critical assembly that simulated the state of the MBIR reactor at the end of the fuel lifetime when shim rods were withdrawn from the core. The core geometries of the two critical assemblies were kept the same.
The development of the basic design of the SVBR-100 reactor with lead-bismuth coolant, a uranium core, an internal flow-through lead-bismuth radial reflector, an outer steel reflector, boron carbide shielding, a cluster of CPS rods from highly enriched boron carbide required an additional detailed justification of physical parameters and computer code uncertainties. Studies were carried out in two directions. First, a simplified benchmark model of the SVBR-100 reactor (the BFS-107-1 critical assembly) was mounted and studied at the BFS-1 critical facility to justify its physical parameters which are necessary for refining the nuclear data component in calculations. Then, full-scale mock-ups of the reactor core at the start and at the end of the fuel lifetime were mounted at BFS-2 (the BFS-80-1 and BFS-80-2 critical assemblies). Data required to verify the calculations of the reactor core design parameters were obtained from these experiments.
Before the completion of retrofitting and upgrading works at the BFS CFC, the stock of the disks with depleted uranium mononitride did not exceed 500 kg, which is not enough for full-scale simulations of the BREST reactor. That was why preliminary experiments were first conducted on benchmark models whose compositions and spectral characteristics were close to those of the simulated reactor. These benchmarks were used for experimental research required for refinement of neutron data and verification of computer codes developed within the scope of the NGNET FTP for reactor facilities with liquid-metal (lead) coolant and nitride fuel. There were two stages of research. At the first stage, the BFS-113-1А critical assembly was studied. Its core consisted of two parts: a central zone with oxide uranium-plutonium fuel and a driver with oxide uranium fuel. At the second stage, the BFS-113-1В critical assembly was studied. The core of this critical assembly consisted of three parts: a central zone with nitride uranium-plutonium fuel, a second zone with oxide uranium-plutonium fuel and a driver with oxide uranium fuel. The BFS-113-1С critical assembly was mounted to study the effect of the change in Pu isotopic composition in the central subzone, which consisted in the replacement of low-radiation Pu disks in the fuel tubes of the central subzone with high-radiation Pu disks, the rest of the disks in the fuel tubes of this subzone remaining unchanged.
Neutronic parameters studied on different critical assemblies at the BFS critical facilities throughout their operation are presented in Table A1 of the Appendix.
Starting from the 1990-s, the BFS-1 and BFS-2 critical facilities have been intensively used for international cooperation (under bilateral contracts):
A number of joint experiments were performed, and evaluation of the experiments performed earlier were evaluated:
From 1994 on, much work has been done to improve safety of handling nuclear materials and operating the BFS on the whole as part of US/Russia Materials Protection, Control and Accounting (MPC&A) Programme. A technology for putting individual marking on inventory items containing nuclear materials was developed and introduced. The technology allows continuous control of the handled inventory items by means of computer technologies. For this purpose, a quick detector of nuclear materials in the inventory item is used. It is combined with a sensor-identifier of the inventory item, which sends information to the computer database in the online mode. This significantly mitigates human error in the MPC&A system operation. The introduced technology makes it possible not only to identify inventory items automatically (barcode scanners of the identifying numbers, with the data transferred to the computer database), but also to perform simultaneous verification measurements of a given set of nuclear material characteristics in the inventory item.
For the safety enhancement purpose, the so-called “enhanced safety island” was arranged around a group of buildings including the BFS complex, equipped with engineering controls and physical protection means.
Over the past decade, international cooperation has had a new lease of life:
Several experimental programmes were implemented on the BFS critical assemblies to simulate the Korean fast breeder reactor SFR with metal fuel (uranium-zirconium or uranium-plutonium-zirconium alloy) and sodium coolant, its power ranging from 100 to 300 MW (e). They were full-scale core mock-ups of SFR-300 (BFS-76), SFR-100 (BFS-109), PGSFR (BFS-84) reactors. Since the reactivity effects due to the core thermal expansion are important for reactors with metal fuel, the standard experimental programme was supplemented with the measurements of the reactivity effects due to the core axial and radial expansion. Spectral indices of minor actinides (neptunium, americium and curium) were measured as well. The obtained large experimental material was used by the Korean side for licensing the project of the PGSFR reactor facility.
Series of experiments were carried out under the Implementing Agreement on core physics in the field of sodium-cooled fast reactors.
Critical assemblies were mounted for simulating MOX-fuelled cores whose spectral characteristics were close to those in ASTRID and BN-1200 reactors, aiming at optimized cores as regards the sodium void reactivity effect (SVRE). The purpose of the research was to obtain experimental data that would help extend the range of the validated application of computer codes used in designing future fast reactors. They are integral, high-power, plutonium-fuelled SFRs designed to achieve a high conversion ratio with radial steel reflectors and a low, possibly even negative, SVRE. Of particular interest are the radially-stretched, pancake-shape cores (H/D < 0.35), with a low sodium-to-fuel volume fraction, a sodium plenum region just above the fissile column, and an axially-heterogeneous fuel sub-assembly structure with alternating fissile and fertile sections. In fact, all the critical assemblies were benchmarks, with simple one- or two-zone cores. Two of them (BFS-82-2 and BFS-82-3 assembled at BFS-2) were benchmarks of the core whose central part simulated MOX fuel and was surrounded by a driver zone with uranium oxide. They were used for developing the experiment procedure and assessment methods. The third critical assembly, which was mounted at BFS-1, was a one-zone benchmark of the ASTRID reactor, with MOX fuel. It had several modifications (BFS-115-1, BFS-115-2 and BFS-115-3), with different plenum sizes and with insertion of an axial depleted UO2 plate of variable axial position and thickness. The most extensive experimental programme was performed on this series of critical assemblies. It included measurements of radial and axial local SVREs, axial fission reaction rate distributions of the main fissile and fertile isotopes, boron capture reaction rate distributions, axial fission neutron importance distributions, spectral indices, boron absorber rod worth at the core centre. The fourth assembly (BFS-117-1) was the last in a series. It was a one-zone benchmark of the ASTRID core without the fertile plate.
A high priority for China is commissioning of CEFR with all-MOX core, which is to be followed by construction of the MOX-fuelled CFR-600 reactor seen as a commercial demonstration fast reactor. The CEFR core mock-up was assembled at BFS-1. Two full-scale core mock-ups were studied: for the start of the fuel lifetime (BFS-119-1) and for the end (BFS-119-2).
The BFS-1 and BFS-2 critical facilities successfully operated for half a century deserved to be retrofitted and upgraded. The retrofitting and upgrading works were carried out in 2012–2016 as part of the NGNET FTP and included:
As for the engineering systems of the complex, of special mention are complete replacement of the CPS equipment, upgrading of the materials protection, control and accounting systems, replacement of the complex radiation monitoring and self-sustaining reaction emergency alarm systems, replacement of the ventilation and radioactive drain systems.
The task of modelling the new generation fast reactors (both full-scale mock-ups and various benchmarks) required fabrication of a large number of hermetically sealed disks containing:
The new disks allow simulations of almost all new generation cores, with any type of fuel and coolant and various CPS rod systems.
Following the launch of the Integrated DETS Programme (programme for the development of equipment, technologies and scientific studies in the field of nuclear power uses in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024), a wide range of research studies will be conducted at the BFS CFC on full-scale core mock-ups of the BREST OD-300 reactor with dense mixed nitride uranium-plutonium fuel (MNU-Pu) and BN-1200 with both MNU-Pu and MOX fuel. At that, new, radially-stretched, pancake-shape core configurations with an axial layer of fertile material are expected to be studied.
As part of the above-mentioned programme, neutronic parameters of advanced pressurized water reactors with supercritical coolant parameters will be studied and justified.
Research to justify the nuclear safety of sodium-cooled fast reactors in beyond-the-design basis severe accidents may be one of the important future tasks for the BFS complex, too. A number of experimental programmes under international contracts are going to be carried out as well.
The BFS CFC consisting of two critical facilities for simulating fast reactor cores varying in size is one of a kind complex, for the simple reason that all the foreign counterparts are decommissioned. The completed retrofitting and upgrading works proved a milestone in the operation of the critical facilities, offering a possibility to justify experimentally the neutronic parameters of the new generation fast reactors in the first place. Available nuclear materials allow for simulating full-scale core mock-ups with various types of fuel (metal, mixed oxide, mixed nitride, with added МА), with various types of coolant (sodium, lead, lead-bismuth, water, etc.), with different control rod materials. The critical facilities have all the necessary auxiliaries and instrumentation for conducting experiments. Measurement techniques have been verified mane times in joint international experiments, in the presence of experts from France, the USA, Japan.
Technical capabilities of the facilities make it possible to simulate not only fast reactor cores but also cores and benchmarks with other spectral characteristics.
The unique capabilities of the BFS complex have been effectively used for many years in the international cooperation through bilateral contracts (France, China, the USA, South Korea, Japan, India) or multilateral agreements (ISTC, NEA OECD).
It is not possible to avoid mentioning most valuable experience of teaching students and pesonnel (from abroad as well) reactor experiment techniques and measurement techniques that are specific to the operation of the critical facilities (reaching critical conditions, passportization of critical assemblies, materials control and accounting).
Number of the critical assembly | Index of the critical assembly modification | Year | Simulation object | Experimental research | |||||||||||||
Criticality | Fission Rate Distribution | Void Reactivity Effect | Control Rod Worth | Spectral Indices | Central Reactiv. Coefficients | Мinor Аctinides | Delayed Neutrons Fraction | Doppler Reactivity Coefficients | Spectrum | Neutron Lifetime | Miscellaneous | ||||||
BFS-1 | |||||||||||||||||
1 | 1961 | BFS-1 | + | ||||||||||||||
3 | 1962 | + | + | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||
8 | А | 1963 | + | + | |||||||||||||
9 | А | 1963 | Assembly with Be | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||
10 | А,B,C | 1963 | + | + | |||||||||||||
11 | 1963 | + | + | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||
12 | 1963 | + | + | + | + | + | |||||||||||
14 | -1,2–7 | 1963–1964 | BOR-60 | + | + | + | + | + | + | ||||||||
15 | -1,2,3А | 1964 | ОК-500 (BN-250) | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | |||||||
16 | -1 | 1965 | BN-350 | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | |||||
17 | -1,1о | 1966–1967 | BN-350 | + | + | + | + | + | |||||||||
16 | -1,2,3 | 1967 | BN-350 | + | + | + | + | + | |||||||||
18 | -1,2,3 | 1968 | IBR-2 | + | + | + | |||||||||||
20 | -1 | 1968 | IBR-2 | + | + | + | + | + | |||||||||
21 | 1968 | BOR | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | 8 | |||||||
22 | 1968 | BN-350 | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | |||||||
23 | 1970 | Insert of Pu (hr) | + | + | + | + | |||||||||||
25 | 1970 | Insert of Pu (lr) | + | ||||||||||||||
26 | -1,2,3 | 1971 | Electron cyclotron | + | + | + | + | + | 3, 6 | ||||||||
27 | -1,2 | 1972 | + | + | + | + | |||||||||||
33 | -1,2,3 | SCHERZO-UO2 -740 | + | + | |||||||||||||
35 | -1,2,3 | 1974 | SCHERZO –U-556 | + | + | ||||||||||||
45 | А-1, B-1 | 1980–1982 | BN-600 LEZ | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||
47 | -1 | 1985 | BN-600 LEZ | + | + | ||||||||||||
49 | -1,2,3,4 | МОХ with moderator | + | ||||||||||||||
51 | -1 | 1987 | BRV-150 | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||
53 | -1,1Н, 2, 3 | 1986 | Hybrid, metal-oxide | + | + | + | + | + | 1, 7 | ||||||||
55 | -1,1А,2 | 1987–1989 | U-Pu met + Zr + Th reflector | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | 1, 2, 5 | |||||
57 | 1989 | VVER – tightly-packed – U | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | 1, 3 | |||||||
59 | 1990 | VVER – tightly-packed – Pu | + | + | + | + | + | 1 | |||||||||
61 | -0,1,2 | 1990 | Pb – benchmark | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | ||||||
63 | -1,2,3 | 1992 | Complex heterogeneity | + | + | + | + | + | 3 | ||||||||
65 | -1,2,3 | 1992–1993 | CEFR | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | |||||||
67 | -1,2,3, 3B | 1994–1995 | SUPERPHENIX | + | + | + | + | + | + | ||||||||
69 | -1,2 | 1995 | CAPRA | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | ||||||
71 | -1 | 1996–1997 | 57% Рu | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | |||||||
73 | -1 | 1997 | KALIMER | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | ||||||
75 | -1 | 1999 | KALIMER | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | ||||||
77 | -1 | 1999 | BREST-300 | + | +* | + | + | + | |||||||||
79 | -1,2–5 | 1999 | Waste disposal | + | + | + | |||||||||||
81 | -1,2–5 | 1999 | Waste disposal | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||
83 | -1 | 2000 | CEFR | + | |||||||||||||
83 | -2 | 2000 | + | ||||||||||||||
83 | -3 | 2000 | + | + | + | + | |||||||||||
85 | -1,2 | 2000 | Pb-Bi benchmark U | + | + | + | |||||||||||
87 | -1 | 2000 | Pb-Bi benchmark Pu | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||
87 | -2 | 2000 | + | + | + | ||||||||||||
89 | -1,2, 2А,3 | 2000 | SSS with HLMC | + | + | +* | + | + | 1 | ||||||||
91 | -1,2,3 | 2001 | ROX-fuel, GCR | + | + | + | + | + | |||||||||
93 | -1,2–6 | 2002 | МОХ in VVER | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||
95 | -1,2 | 2002–2003 | BREST-300 | + | + | +* | + | + | + | + | + | ||||||
97 | -1,2–4 | 2004 | МОХ fabrication | + | + | + | + | + | |||||||||
99 | -1,2 | 2004 | МОХ fabrication | + | + | + | + | + | |||||||||
101 | М-1,2 2А,3 | 2005 | МОХ fabrication | + | + | + | 9 | ||||||||||
103 | -1,2,3 | 2005–2006 | MOX-12,5%, conversion ratio in the core~ 0,8–1,1 | + | + | + | + | + | + | ||||||||
105 | -1,2,3, 3А | 2008 | Pu-LR, modified spectrum | + | + | + | + | + | 15 | ||||||||
107 | -1 | 2011 | SVBR | + | + | + | + | + | + | 14 | |||||||
109 | -2А | 2012 | SFR | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | 13 | ||||
111 | -1,2 | 2013 | MBIR | + | + | + | + | 12 | |||||||||
113 | -1,1А, 1B,1С | 2013–2014 | BREST-OD-300. UO2+PuUN+Pu | + | + | +* | + | + | 9, 11 | ||||||||
115 | -1,2,3 | 2014 | ASTRID | + | + | + | + | + | 10 | ||||||||
117 | -1 | 2020 | ASTRID | + | + | + | + | + | 10 | ||||||||
119 | -1,2 | 2019 | CEFR | + | + | +* | + | + | + | + | 9 | ||||||
BFS-2 | |||||||||||||||||
24 | -1,2–16 | 1971 | BN-600 | + | + | + | 4 | ||||||||||
29 | 1,2–5 | 1973–1975 | + | + | + | + | + | + | 1, 20, 21 | ||||||||
31 | -1,2,3 | 1974 | Core with Pu-UO2 fuel and К-infin.=1 | + | + | + | 17 | ||||||||||
34 | -0,1 | 1975 | Sodium-cooled fast reactor with UO2 fuel | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | 1, 7, 24 | ||||||
39 | -1 | 1977- 1979 | + | + | + | + | + | + | 4, 17, 20, 22, 23 | ||||||||
44 | 1979 | BN-800 with Pu-UO2 fuel | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | 1, 17, 18–19 | |||||||
46 | 1981 | BN-1600 with heterogeneous Pu core | + | + | + | ||||||||||||
48 | -1,2–4 | Non-full-scale model of BN-800 | + | + | + | ||||||||||||
50 | -1,2–5 | BN-800, UО2, PuО2, axial heterogeneity | + | + | + | + | + | + | 1, 5 | ||||||||
52 | -1 | BN-800, UО2, radial heterogeneity | + | + | + | + | + | + | 3 ,6 , 7 | ||||||||
52 | -2,V, V/1-2, B, B/2, B/2(M) | 1988–1990 | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | 8 | |||||||
54 | -1,2–4 | 1990–1992 | BN-800 with Pu (HR) +Na plenum | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | 1, 3, 8 | ||||||
56 | -1,1A, 1B | 1992 | BN-800, mixed vibro-packed fuel, Na plenum | + | + | + | + | + | + | 1, 16 | |||||||
58 | -1, 1I, 2–4 | 1993–1997 | BN-800, Na plenum, Pu fuel (without U), mixed vibro-packed fuel | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | 16 | |||||
60 | -1,2 | 1997–1998 | Burners of Pu and МА | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | 15 | ||||||
62 | -1,2–6 | 1999–2002 | Hybrid core of BN-600 | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | |||||||
64 | -1 | 2002 | BREST-ОD-300 | + | + | +* | + | + | + | + | 7, 12 | ||||||
66 | -1,B,2, 2А,3, 3А | 2003–2006 | BN-600, MOX fuel | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | |||||||
68 | -1,2–4 | 2006 | BN-600, partial simulations | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||
70 | -1,2 | 2007 | BN-600 | + | + | 14 | |||||||||||
72 | -1,2,3, 3А,4 | 2008 | BN-800 | + | + | + | + | + | + | ||||||||
74 | -1,2 | 2009 | BN-800 | + | + | 6, 8, 13 | |||||||||||
76 | -1,1А | 2010–2011 | SFR | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | 11 | |||||
78 | -1 | 2011 | Hybrid core of BN-800 | + | + | + | + | + | |||||||||
80 | -1,2 | 2012 | SVBR-100 | + | + | + | + | + | |||||||||
82 | -1,2,3 | 2012–2013 | Benchmarks of BN and ASTRID | + | + | + | + | + | 9 | ||||||||
84 | -1 | 2015 | PGSFR | + | + | + | + | + | + | 10, 11 |