Corresponding author: Nastasya A. Mosunova ( ) Academic editor: Andrei Rineiski
© 2020 Leonid A. Bolshov, Valery F. Strizhov, Nastasya A. Mosunova.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Bolshov LA, Strizhov VF, Mosunova NA (2020) Codes of new generation for safety justification of power units with a closed nuclear fuel cycle developed for the “PRORYV” project. Nuclear Energy and Technology 6(3): 203-214.
The article describes the status of development of codes of new generation for the “PRORYV” Project by the end of 2019: twenty-five commercial-grade software products to justify design solutions and safety of power units with fast neutron reactors and liquid metal coolant (sodium and lead) in a closed nuclear fuel cycle. The developed system of codes is multi-physical and multi-scale that allows performing both calculations of the whole installations and high precision calculations of their individual elements. The developed codes offer unique features. Twelve developed codes have already been certified by Rostechnadzor, and six more have been submitted for certification. In addition to creating the software products, a large-scale work is being carried out to conduct experimental studies for code validation that meet modern requirements imposed by the codes: unique measurement techniques have been created; experimental data on flow characteristics of heavy liquid metal coolant (HLMC) in a fuel assembly simulator have been obtained, as well as of “gas-HLMC” interphase interaction after inert gas injection in HLMC and characteristics of heat exchange between the inert gas and HLMC. The results are already used for validation of system and CFD codes used in the “PRORYV” Project.
code of new generation, “PRORYV” Project, code validation, MNUP fuel, EUCLID/V2 code, BERKUT-U code
AHE Air Heat Exchanger
CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics
CNFC Closed Nuclear Fuel Cycle
CPS Control and Protection System
CTS Carbothermic Synthesis
DNS Direct Numerical Simulation
DPA Displacement Per Atom
ECCS Emergency Core Cooling System
FA Fuel Assembly
FIMA Fissions per Initial heavy Metal Atom
FR Fast Reactor
FP Fission Products
HLMC Heavy Liquid Metal Coolant
IHX Intermediate Heat eXchanger
MCP-1 Main Circulation Pump of the primary coolant system
MCP-2 Main Circulation Pump of the secondary coolant system
MNUP fuel Mixed Nitride Uranium-Plutonium fuel
MOX fuel Mixed Oxide Uranium-Plutonium fuel
NPP Nuclear Power Plant
RANS Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations
RC Reactor Core
RI Reactor Installation
Rostechnadzor Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia
RW Radioactive Waste
SG Steam Generator
TRL Technology Readiness Levels
One of unique projects being successfully realized in the Russian Federation is the “PRORYV” Project, aimed at developing power complexes with FRs in a closed nuclear fuel cycle. Due to a competently built system of scientific and technical management, consolidation of highly qualified result-motivated and wide-profile specialists, the availability of a unique experimental base, a stable funding, significant results were achieved in a short period of time: a technology for the production of MNUP fuel was created and experimental studies were performed that confirmed its efficiency; designs of FRs with lead (BREST-OD-300) and sodium (BN-1200) coolants have been developed; construction of pilot-demonstration facilities of a power unit with BREST-OD-300 and CNFC has been started.
Due to the project innovative nature, it would be impossible to obtain such results without using the potential and achievements in the field of mathematical modeling. This article covers the “Codes of new generation” subproject of the “PRORYV” Project and software products
General information on “Codes of new generation” project is briefly presented in (
The work on the “Codes of new generation” project started in 2010. At this time, the need was recognized to develop a system of broad-scoped software products. Likewise with other large-scale projects, the first years were spent for the development of technical specifications and detailed technical requirements. The large-scale development of the software products began in 2012.
First, the task was set to develop 17 codes; by 2019 their number had increased to 25, which was associated with an awareness of the possibilities and advantages of using state-of-the-art software systems.
The general information about the designation and development status of the codes of new generation is presented in the Table
The development status of the codes of new generation by the end of 2019.
Code name | Brief description | Development status | TRL level | References |
Probabilistic safety assessment | ||||
CRISS 5.3 | Code for probabilistic safety assessment | Validated, certified | 9 |
Fuel rod behavior | ||||
BERKUT* | Code for analysis of fuel rod behavior in normal and abnormal operation modes, engineering version | Validated, certified | 9 |
BERKUT-U* | Code for analysis of fuel rod behavior in normal and abnormal operation modes, advanced (mechanistic) version | Validated, in the process of certification | 8 |
Neutronics | ||||
MCU-FR*, ** | Neutronic code based on the Monte-Carlo method | Validated, in the process of certification | 8 |
ODETTA** | Neutronic code for shielding calculations based on the Sn method and the finite element method | Validated, certified | 9 |
CORNER*, ** | Neutronic code based on the Sn method and the finite difference method | Validated, in the process of certification | 8 |
DOLCE VITA*, ** | Neutronic code based on diffusion approximation | Validated, in the process of certification | 8 |
BPSD*, ** | Nuclide kinetics code, for calculation of activity and residual decay heat | Validated, in the process of certification | 8 |
COMPLEX | System of codes for the radiation safety justification of a FRs installation and fuel cycle facilities | Under development | 5 |
Thermohydraulics | ||||
HYDRA-IBRAE/LM/V1* | System (channel) thermal-hydraulic code | Validated, certified | 9 |
LOGOS | RANS CFD code | Validated, filed for certification | 8 |
CONV-3D | DNS CFD code | Validated, certified | 9 |
CONV-3D/TwoPhase | DNS CFD code expanded to two-phase simulations | Under development | 3 |
KUPOL-BR | Code for modeling heat and mass transfer processes in reactor containment building | Validated, in the process of certification | 8 |
Fission products transport | ||||
ROM* | Code for assessing the radiation situation outside the NPP site | Validated, certified | 9 |
ROUZ | Code for assessing the on-site NPP radiation situation taking into account the 3D built-up environment | Validated, certified | 9 |
Sybilla | Code for modeling of radioactivity migration in reservoirs | Validated, certified | 9 |
GeRa/V1 | Code to assess the safety of radioactive waste disposal | Validated, certified | 9 |
Multiphysics codes | ||||
SOCRAT-BN/V1 | Comprehensive analysis of normal and abnormal operation modes, including severe accidents, for NPPs RI with sodium coolant and oxide fuel | Validated, certified | 9 |
SOCRAT-BN/V2 | Validated, certified | 9 | ||
EUCLID/V1 EUCLID/V2 | Comprehensive analysis of normal and abnormal operation modes, including accidents, for NPPs RI with sodium, lead and lead-bismuth coolant and fuel rods with oxide or nitride fuel | Validated, certified Partially validated | 9 |
5 | ||||
Models of closed nuclear fuel cycle processes and installations | ||||
VIZART | Code to simulate the balance of materials and nuclide flows in the CNFC | Partially validated | 8 |
TP CODE | Code to simulate the work of technological schemes | Partially validated | 8 |
Precision computational models for the CNFC facilities | Precise calculation models for the CNFC facilities | Under development | 3 | – |
Compared to earlier publications (
The information about some of the most interesting models in the opinion of the article authors, included in the codes in 2018-2019, as well as the validation results is represented in the Section 3. Detailed information can be found in individual publications, which are referenced in this article.
The advanced fuel code BERKUT-U is designed to calculate the thermo-mechanical behavior and justify the operability of single fuel rod with an oxide (uranium dioxide and MOX) and nitride (uranium mononitride and MNUP) pellet fuel, with a gas gap or a liquid metal gap, in normal and abnormal operation modes of advanced FRs with liquid metal coolant.
A distinctive feature of the code is the presence of a mechanistic fuel behavior module, the prototype of which was the MFPR/R fuel code (
When developing the fuel module as part of the BERKUT-U fuel code, it was taken into account that most of processes in oxide fuel are common for thermal and fast neutron reactors, so that the corresponding particular models developed earlier for thermal reactors can also be used for calculations of FRs. Moreover, the functional form of code models is also mainly suitable for describing processes in nitride fuel, since they have similar physics with oxide fuel. However, the microscopic parameters of models for oxide and nitride fuels often differ greatly, and for nitride fuel, these parameters are usually poorly known or not determined at all. To identify them, the experimental data obtained from the studies of nitride fuel after its irradiation in a reactor have been used, as well as the results of atomistic modeling (
By mid-2019, the models for nitride fuel were validated on the results of post-reactor studies of BORA-BORA fuel rods irradiated in the BOR-60 reactor, KETVS-1, 2, 3, 6, 7 and ETVS-4, 5 experimental assemblies irradiated in the BN-600 RI. These studies provided experimental data concerning the behavior of fission products in the fuel, their release into the fuel-cladding gap, the mechanical state of the fuel pellets and the fuel element as a whole. In particular, for MNUP fuel, the content of plutonium varied from 10 to 60%, maximum burn-up – from 3.5 to 12%, and damaging doses – from 20 to 70 DPA, maximum temperatures – from 1100 to 1700 °С.
The results show that the BERKUT-U calculation code allows describing the entire existing experimental data array on the fission products release and the mechanical state of the fuel with a fairly good accuracy. The change in the size of fuel pellets is calculated with an accuracy of 1–2%, the fuel swelling – on average 30–40%, the swelling rate – 30%, and the release of gaseous fission products – 30–50%. These results can be considered satisfactory taking into account the uncertainties of the experimental measurements. Unlike engineering techniques, the BERKUT-U code allows predicting the isotopic and molecular-phase compositions of irradiated fuel, as well as obtaining axial and radial distributions of porosity, actinides and fission products.
Examples of such results are presented in Figures
Currently, the consolidation and analysis of the results of the BERKUT-U code validation is being completed. At the end of 2019, the code was submitted for certification to Rostechnadzor.
The direct numerical simulation of Navier-Stokes equations expanded for a two-phase medium is realized in the CONV-3D/TwoPhase code. The interphase heat- and mass-transfer using the equations of state like stiffened and Noble-Abel ones are taken into account. The HLLC-solver (Harten-Lax-van-Leer-Contact) and the two-step predictor-corrector of the MUSCL algorithm (Monotonic Upwind Scheme for Conservation Laws) are realized in the module (
By the middle of 2019, a method for obtaining more accurate coefficient values was developed for the Nobel-Able state equations, which is based on experimental dependencies on the saturation line (temperature dependencies of gas and liquid enthalpy, inverse density of gas and liquid, saturation pressure) and applying the least square method. Based on the solution of a transcendental equation, the numerical temperature dependence of pressure is determined from the condition that the Gibbs potentials of the gas and liquid phases are equal. An adaptation of a two-phase module was carried out taking into account mass transfer and more accurate values of the coefficients for stiffened and Noble-Abel state equation in simulating sodium coolant flows.
The two-phase model development has been continued using the method of a priori estimates, allowing carrying out calculations with lower computational costs, without additional iterative procedures. Work on the model extension for the case of a three-component medium, for example, lead-water-vapor and other possible three-component media, has been started.
The following modules work together as part of the EUCLID/V2 calculation code, providing multi-physical consistent simulation of different processes and phenomena:
The SMART/LM integration shell provides a consistent calculation by all modules.
The main model improvement and development areas of the EUCLID/V2 multiphysics code in 2018-2019 include:
More detailed information about some of the models is given below.
In 2019, the model for transport of vapor-gas formations (bubbles) was added to the system thermal-hydraulic module HYDRA-IBRAE/LM of the EUCLID/V2 code, taking into account the evolution of their size distribution. It should be noted that the description of the particle size of the dispersed phase (droplets, bubbles, vapor agglomerates) is a key point in models of two-phase media. The traditional approach used in system thermal-hydraulic codes is to determine the size of the dispersed phase from empirical correlations with instantaneous adjustment to changes in the thermal-hydraulic parameters of the carrier flow. In reality, the zone, in which a more complex than instantaneous approach is needed, can be significant (up to several meters, it depends on the flow parameters), which can be essential when analyzing, for example, the transport process of steam formations in the circuits of reactor installations with a heavy liquid-metal coolant.
The evolution of the bubble size distribution can be described more precisely by a volumetric interfacial area transport equation (
The experimental data on which validation of the developed models could be performed are now practically absent in the available literature. Therefore, a comparison of the calculation with the analytical solution was performed. For comparison, the article results (
where N0 and v0 – parameters; β0 – size-independent portion of coalescence kernel; t – time; v – bubble volume.
The simulation results in comparison with solution (1) from the work (
To our knowledge, a model of this type is not included in some well-known and widely used codes-analogous such as RELAP5-3D, ATHLET, ASTEC-Na (RELAP5-3D Code Manual 2012a, 2012b;
In 2019, a model for calculating the nitride fuel dissociation was integrated into the fuel rod destruction module of the EUCLID/V2 multiphysics code. The most important for the dissociation modeling is to determine the rate of mass loss due to release of nitrogen and uranium vapor according to the equation
The rate of mass loss is calculated by the ratios:
where jN2, jU , jPu – the mass flows of nitrogen, uranium and plutonium from the fuel surface; x– plutonium mass fraction; MN2, MPu, MU, M(PuxU1-x)N – molar mass of nitrogen, Pu, U and MNUP fuel, respectively; S – fuel surface where the process of dissociation occurs; ∆t – time step; ∆mU, ∆mPu, ∆m(PuxU1-x)N – changes of total masses of U, Pu and MNUP fuel due to dissociation process respectively.
To our knowledge, this process is not modelled in codes such as SIMMER-III/IV, SOCRAT-BN (
In 2015, the fourth power unit of the Beloyarsk NPP (RI BN-800 with sodium coolant) achieved its first criticality successfully, after that the first start took place. Then pilot operation of the unit was carried out. At that time, the tests of the RI main technical characteristics in stationary and transient modes at different power levels up to the nominal one were carried out. At present, the EUCLID/V2 multiphysics code is validated on the data obtained on the BN-800 in the following modes:
The neutronics and thermohydraulic computational models of the BN-800 core, a thermal-hydraulic model of the coolant circulation circuits, including the upper mixing chamber, intermediate heat exchangers, drain chambers of intermediate heat exchangers, main circulation pumps, pressure pipe lines, pressure chamber, pipe lines of the secondary circuit, sodium buffer tank, main circulation pumps of the secondary circuit, steam generators and other equipment, as well as fuel rod models for fuel assemblies of various types are developed.
To evaluate the uncertainties and sensitivity of main RI parameters calculated using the EUCLID/V2 code, some parameters affecting the simulation results in a most significant way were determined based on previously validation calculations of experiments accounting for some individual phenomena (Table
Parameter | Variation range |
Initial integrated RC power, MW | ±5% |
Residual power, MW | ±25% |
The frequency of MCP-1 rotation, rpm | ±3.75 |
The frequency of MCP-2 rotation, rpm | ±3.75 |
Feedwater flow rate in SG, kg/s | ±5.8 |
Speed of CPS rods, cm/s | ±5% |
Feedwater temperature in SG, °С | ±3.5 |
Initial diameter of fuel pellets, mm | –0.15 |
Multiplier applied to the wall heat transfer closure relation in SG from the water side or in AHE from the air side, rel. units | ±30% |
Multiplier applied to the wall friction closure relation in SG from the water side or in AHE from the air side, rel. units | ±30% |
Multiplier applied to the interfacial friction closure relation in SG for water, rel. units | ±30% |
Multiplier applied to the wall heat transfer closure relation in RC, IHE and SG from the sodium side, rel. units | ±20% |
Multiplier applied to the wall friction closure relation in RC, IHE and SG from the sodium side, rel. units | ±10% |
Thermal conductivity of fuel, W/m/K | ±20% |
Thermal conductivity of the gas gap in the fuel rod, W/m/K | ±10% |
To perform the uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of the results 200 calculations have been carried out.
The available validation results show that for the considered types of transients, the EUCLID/V2 code describes adequately the change in the integrated power as well as the thermohydraulic processes in the BN-800 type RI core and its cooling circuits, including air circuit cooling modes.
In 2019, the development of calculation models for the closed nuclear fuel cycle installations was started, allowing assessing the nuclear and radiation safety of installations and selecting their optimal technological parameters. A brief description of some of the models developed is given below. Based on the spatial and phase distribution of radionuclides in the installation elements obtained in the approximations described below, the calculation of nuclear safety is performed in an automated mode by MCU-FR code and calculation of radiation safety by the COMPLEX system of codes (see Table
In a closed nuclear fuel cycle, spent nuclear fuel is reprocessed to extract uranium and plutonium for further re-use as fuel for fast reactors.
An important step in the technology of the spent nuclear fuel (SNF) reprocessing is the operation of further dissolving the remainder of plutonium and uranium oxide solid particles (UxPuy)O2 after the completion of basic technological cycles of SNF reprocessing. Its distinguishing feature is the electrochemical catalytic conversion of plutonium dioxide PuO2 from the insoluble solid phase to PuO22+ ions soluble in nitric acid HNO3 solution. A computational model was developed describing:
Upon the end of the cycle of electrochemical dissolution of solid particles of actinide oxides, the solution from the anode space with the remaining particles of the dispersed phase is sent to the control clarification apparatus for separating solid particles. The filtered solution containing the solid phase is delivered to a membrane filter, which contains several multichannel filtering ceramic elements that are hollow fibers coated with a membrane layer. The concentrate remains inside the channels of the filtering element, and outside the filtering element a solution is accumulated that is free from solid particles and insoluble impurities deposited in the membrane pores.
A distinctive feature of the filtered solution is the presence in the solution of liquid and solid high-level waste of SNF and ionic components. A feature of the membrane filtration process from the point of view of radiation safety is the accumulation of radioactive sediments on the surface of membrane fibers and filter walls.
The developed calculation model takes into account:
Currently, the most promising option for the MNUP pellet production in industrial scale is the method of carbothermic synthesis (CTS), based on the reduction of mixed uranium-plutonium dioxide by carbon in nitrogen atmosphere.
The carbothermic synthesis reaction of (U,Pu)N is carried out with powder mixtures of uranium dioxide or uranium – plutonium, (U,Pu)O2, and graphite. Synthesis occurs at temperatures of 1700–2000 K in nitrogen stream. At the last stage of the process, some amount of hydrogen is added to nitrogen atmosphere. The role of the nitrogen flow, especially of the N2+H2 mixture, consists, in particular, in removing gaseous compounds of carbon and oxygen (CO, CN, CH4) from the reaction zone, thus ensuring a sufficiently low concentration of oxygen and carbon impurity in the final product, which is a critical point in the production of nitride fuel by the CTS method.
There are several factors that significantly affect the CTS efficiency and the final product characteristics: the size of the particles of original powder, the presence of impurities, the temperature-time mode, the volume and composition of gas flow in the chamber. The feature of the technological process from the point of view of radiation safety is the mass loss of samples and the accumulation of radioactive dust in the CTS chamber.
The developed mathematical model for the physicochemical processes of the carbothermic synthesis of uranium and plutonium nitride powders is intended to describe the effect of process parameters — temperature, atmospheric composition, and others — on the characteristics of the products and, above all, on the concentration of impurities.
The developed calculation model takes into account:
The final step in the process of the MNUP fuel pelletizing is sintering of fuel pellets. At the preliminary stages, the UN or (U, Pu)N powder is produced, which is then pressed, resulting in an intermediate product with a density of ~ 60% having sufficient mechanical strength and the required chemical composition. At the sintering stage, a part of the fuel main characteristics is formed, such as density, size and type of porosity, grain size, determining the fuel performance.
There are several factors that significantly affect the sintering efficiency of (U, Pu)N and the characteristics of the final product: the size and shape of the particles of the original powder, the initial porosity of the sample, the sintering temperature and time, and the atmosphere in the sintering chamber.
The developed computational model takes into account the following processes:
In the constructed computational model, three-dimensional heat transfer in a complex furnace design, mass transfer of the gas mixture in the working area, multicomponent diffusion and reactions in fuel grains are described consistently.
To validate the developed and being developed codes of new generation, it was necessary to create a database of evaluated available experimental data. For this, the analysis and evaluation of the results of experimental studies conducted prior to the start-up of the “PRORYV” Project were carried out. According to the analysis results, work programs for obtaining the missing experimental data were prepared. At the same time, validation of a number of high fidelity codes required experimental data obtained at a fundamentally new level with the measurement of local flow characteristics.
In this regard, a program of experimental studies of thermal-hydraulic and physicochemical processes is developed, and the studies are performed at JSC “NIKIET” (Moscow), JSC “SSC RF – IPPE” (Obninsk, Russia), IT SB RAS (Novosibirsk, Russia) and other organizations.
In particular, at the IT SB RAS a series of well-instrumented model experiments has been performed to study the heat transfer and thermohydraulic characteristics of a heavy liquid-metal coolant in the elements of a reactor installation, including the processes occurring during steam generator tube rupture of lead cooled reactor installation (
Various outflow regimes (bubble, slug) when water vapor or gas is flowing out into a lead or Rose’s alloy coolants, modeling the steam generator tube rupture in fast reactors facilities, and the heat transfer between water vapor and lead coolant have been studied (
The experiments on mixing of liquid metal coolant flows at different temperatures in a T-junction were conducted (
In the experiments with a 7-rods model of a fuel assembly with spacer grids detailed data on the axial and azimuthal temperature distributions over the surface of the fuel rod simulators with nonuniform heating of one of the fuel rods, and the data on the impact of the spacer grids on the temperature field distribution on the surface of the fuel rod simulator were obtained (
The obtained data are used for the validation of the multiphysics codes of new generation and the fuel rod codes.
Those are only some of the examples demonstrating that work on the code development is accompanied by the extensive program of experimental investigations.
In the “Codes of new generation” subproject of the “PRORYV” Project, the software was developed to justify the safety of the facilities being constructed, to understand the phenomenology of the processes, to optimize equipment and installations in general. High fidelity models and calculation codes based on them make possible to carry out predictive calculations in order to achieve optimal technical and economic indicators of the developed nuclear technologies.
A large effort on certification in Rostechnadzor of the developed software is being performed. At the same time, the principal novelty of the approaches underlying the creation of high precision software products requires changes in the accepted certification practice and the creation of an appropriate new infrastructure, including highly qualified experts for individual profiles, the agreement between the code developers and the regulator, formalized as the regulatory documents, on the necessary and sufficient experimental data and the limits of applicability of the corresponding tools, the formation of the “best practices” for the use of high fidelity codes at specific facilities.
Since the increasingly restrictive requirements are imposed on the safety justification of nuclear facilities, in terms of detailed elaboration of models, many calculation codes in the nuclear industry are ahead of analogues that are available or are only planned to be developed in other industries. In this regard, the codes of new generation may be applied outside the nuclear industry, for example, to assess the effects of emissions from enterprises in other industries, to assess the impact on humans and the environment of facilities that pose a potential environmental hazard.
A program for the further development of codes of new generation has been outlined, including their validation on new experimental data, the creation of high precision models, and the introduction of the developed software into the practice of computational justification of nuclear facilities safety. To form a team of qualified users, it is planned to implement the developed software into higher educational institutions and hold annual user-training workshops.