Corresponding author: Denis G. Lazarenko ( ) Academic editor: Yury Korovin
© 2019 Thi Zieu Chang Doan , Georgy E. Lazarenko, Denis G. Lazarenko.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Doan TZC, Lazarenko GE, Lazarenko DG (2019) Calculations of research reactor thermal hydraulics based on VVER-440 fuel assamblies. Nuclear Energy and Technology 5(4): 317-321.
Having thoroughly analyzed the design features of VVER-type pressurized water reactors and VVR-type research reactors, the authors propose a design of a research reactor with low-enriched fuel based on deeply updated VVER-440 fuel assemblies. The research reactor is intended to solve a wide range of applied problems in nuclear physics, radiation chemistry, materials science, biology, and medicine. The calculated thermal hydraulics confirms the correctness of the fundamental approaches laid down in the reactor design.
An equivalent reactor core model in the form of a thick-walled cylinder was considered, and the radial power density distribution was obtained. According to the heat power level, five groups of FAs were identified. For each group, the coolant mass flow rate was calculated, which ensures alignment with the outlet coolant temperature.
The coolant flow regime was also estimated. It turned out that for the first row of FAs, the flow regime is in the transition region, while for the other rows the flow regime is laminar. A test by the Gr.Pr≥1.105 criterion showed its conformity (the calculated value was 1.96.106), indicating the transition to a viscous-gravitational regime. The FE surface overheating was calculated relative to the mixed coolant average temperature. The axial coolant flow temperature distribution is the same in all the FAs, the change in power is compensated by the corresponding change in the coolant flow. The maximum coolant overheating on the FE wall relative to the flow core is observed in the central FAs, reaching 31 °C, the boiling margin is about 15 °C.
The estimates showed a significant dynamic pressure margin during natural thermal-convective circulation. By calculation, the values of the FE surface overheating during the reactor normal operation were obtained. An approximately 15-degree surface overheating margin relative to the saturation curve is shown, which guarantees the absence of cavitation wear of the FE claddings. In general, the performed calculations confirmed the correctness of the approaches laid down in the reactor design and made it possible to specify the core thermal hydraulics necessary for further developing the concept.
Research reactor, low-enriched fuel, natural circulation, long-term campaign, export potential, VVR, IRT, VVER-440
One of the main trends in national economies is the development of nuclear technology. This is due to a wide range of applied problems in nuclear physics, radiation chemistry, materials science, biology, and medicine. For providing initial personnel training and developing nuclear technologies, it seems most appropriate to use a pool-type pressurized water reactor (
To promote a specialized multi-purpose technological reactor (
To meet the above requirements, it is necessary at the design stage:
The authors consider the possibility of creating a research reactor with fuel assemblies (FAs) containing low-enriched fuel made in accordance with the technologies used for power reactors. Such a technical solution would ensure that at least the first three of the above basic requirements are met. A specific task is to estimate the research reactor thermal hydraulics based on upgraded VVER-440 fuel assemblies (
The proposed RR is a pool-type pressurized water reactor. The neutron spectrum is thermal. The coolant circulation occurs due to natural convection. To reduce the dose of ionizing radiation (produced by the decay of the short-lived nitrogen-19 isotope) on the pool surface, chippers are used that increase the coolant uplift time by more than three minutes. The coolant moves through the core upward; in order to prevent the fuel assemblies from levitating, they are equipped with an antilevitation safeguard. In the center of the reactor pool, a hexagonal cross-section basket made of stainless steel sheet is placed, in the lower part of which there is a core consisting of 36 fuel assemblies mounted on the support plate of the reactor basket in hexagonal packaging with a pitch of 146 mm. Of these, 30 are power fuel assemblies and six are assemblies with CPS absorbing rods. The main reactor characteristics are presented in Table
Main reactor characteristics.
Parameter | Value |
Thermal power, W | 2.0·106 |
Core volume., m3 | 0.734 |
Coolant temperature at the core inlet., °С | 60.0 |
Average coolant heating in the core, °С | 20.0 |
Average specific heat capacity ср in the temperature range ∆Тт, kJ/(kg K) | 4.22 |
Specific core power density, W/m3 | 2.724·106 |
Extrapolated additive to the core size, m | 0.08 |
Radial power peaking factor | 1.4 |
Axial power peaking factor | 1.4 |
Total power peaking factor | 1.96 |
Reactor tank volume, m3 | 200 |
The fuel assemblies are deeply upgraded VVER-440 power fuel assemblies with lowest-enriched fuel (2.6% of the U-235 isotope), the fuel elements and fuel assembly sheath are made according to the technology adopted for VVER-440 with preserved cross-sectional dimensions and reduced length. Changes affect the heads of the fuel assemblies, the length of the fuel elements as well as the design of the spacer and support grids. The FA design is shown in Fig.
RR FA design: а) Vertical section; b) FA section above the upper sheet; 1. FA upper head; 2. FA collet stem ; 3. Upper tube sheet; 4. FA can; 5. Central pipe with a collet lock rod; 6. Fuel element; 7.Spacer grid; 8. Lower tube sheet; 9. Locking disk; 10 – FA lower head; 11. Coolant pass hole (D = 6 mm); 12. FE bottom nozzle (D = 3 mm); 13. FE cladding (D = 9.1 mm).
The main characteristics of the fuel assemblies and fuel elements as well as the initial data for calculations are given in Table
Main FA/FE characteristics.
Parameter | Value |
Core height., m | 1.075 |
FE cylindrical surface length, m | 1.60 |
Distance from the lower bottom nozzle to the fuel in the fuel element, m | 0.275 |
Height of spacer grids, m | 0.1 |
Number of spacer grids, pcs. | 3 |
Number of support grids, pcs. | 2 |
FA inlet length, mm | 500 |
Inlet diffuser length, mm | 60 |
FA inlet diameter, mm | 96 |
FA outlet length, mm | 125 |
Inlet diffuser length, mm | 60 |
Distance of the FA centers from the core center | – |
– first row, m | 0.146 |
– second row, near, m | 0.253 |
– second row, far, m | 0.292 |
– third row, near, m | 0.386 |
– third row, far, m | 0.438 |
To evaluate the RR thermal characteristics, typical techniques described in (
The physical parameters were taken from (
Evaluated reactor integral characteristics.
Parameter | Value |
Core equivalent diameter, outer, m | 0.9325 |
Core equivalent diameter, inner, m | 0.153 |
Core effective diameter, outer, m | 1.0925 |
Core effective diameter, inner, m | 0.153 |
Average core power density, W/m3 | 2.800 |
Coolant mass flow rate, kg/s | 23.87 |
Coolant volume flow rate at the core inlet., m3/s | 0.0243 |
Coolant circulation rate, 1/h | 0.439 |
Total time of the coolant uplift to the pool surface, min | 60.5 |
The calculated estimates of the heat release in the FAs through the rows and the coolant flow rate through them (provided that the temperature at the core outlet is equalized) are presented in Tab.
Estimated heat release and flow rate in the FAs.
Distribution of FAs in groups | Distance from the core center, m | Number of FAs in a group, pcs. | FA thermal power kW | Coolant mass flow rate, kg/s | Coolant average rate, m/s |
First row | 0.146 | 6 | 87.55 | 1.045 | 0.112 |
Second row, near | 0.253 | 6 | 71.35 | 0.851 | 0.091 |
Second row, far | 0.292 | 6 | 63.18 | 0.754 | 0.081 |
Third row, near | 0.386 | 6 | 40.49 | 0.483 | 0.052 |
Third row, far | 0.438 | 12 | 27.05 | 0.323 | 0.034 |
The coolant flow regime was also estimated. It turned out that for the first row of FAs, the flow regime lies in the transition region, while for the others, it is laminar. A test by the Gr.Pr≥1.105 criterion showed its conformity (the calculated value was 1.96.106), which indicates the transition to a viscous-gravitational regime. Calculations were made of the FE surface overheating relative to the coolant average transitional temperature. The axial coolant flow temperature distribution is the same in all the FAs, the change in power is compensated by the corresponding change in the coolant flow. Fig.
An analysis of the design features of VVER-type pressurized water reactors and BWR-type research reactors allowed us to propose the following design of a research reactor with low-enriched fuel based on deeply updated VVER-440 fuel assemblies.
An equivalent model of the reactor core in the form of a thick-walled cylinder was considered, and the radial heat density distribution was obtained. According to the level of heat power, five groups of FAs were identified. For each group, the coolant mass flow rate was calculated, which ensures alignment with the outlet coolant temperature.
The estimates showed a significant margin of dynamic pressure during natural thermal-convective circulation. By calculation, the values of the FE surface overheating during reactor normal were obtained. An approximately 15-degree surface overheating margin relative to the saturation curve is shown, which guarantees the absence of cavitation wear of the FE claddings.
The performed calculations confirmed the correctness of the approaches laid down in the reactor design and made it possible to specify the core thermal hydraulics necessary for further developing the concept.