Research Article |
Corresponding author: Evgeny V. Bespala ( ) Academic editor: Yury Korovin
© 2018 Evgeny V. Bespala, Alexander O. Pavliuk, Vladimir S. Zagumennov, Sergey G. Kotlyarevskiy.
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Bespala EV, Pavliuk AO, Zagumennov VS, Kotlyarevskiy SG (2018) About chemical form and binding energy of 14C in irradiated graphite of uranium-graphite nuclear reactors. Nuclear Energy and Technology 4(1): 51-56.
Issues associated with handling irradiated graphite of uranium-graphite nuclear reactors are examined. It is demonstrated that selection of approaches, methods and means for handling irradiated graphite are determined by the form of occurrence and binding energy of long-lived 14C radionuclide with graphite crystalline lattice. The purpose of the present study is the determination of possible chemical compounds in which 14C can be found and assessment of fastness of its binding in the structure of irradiated graphite. Indigent and foreign experience of handling graphite radioactive wastes was analyzed, calculations and measurements were performed. Information was provided on the channels of accumulation of 14C in the structure of reactor graphite and it was demonstrated that the largest quantities of the radionuclide in question are generated according to the reaction 14N(n, p)14C. Here, most part of radioactive carbon is generated on 14N nuclei found in the form of impurities in non-irradiated graphite and in the composition of gas used for purging nuclear reactor in the process of operation. 14C radionuclide generated according to 14N(n, p)14C nuclear reaction is localized in the near subsurface graphite layer (in the near subsurface layer of pores) at the depth of not more than 50 nm. Analysis was performed of possible chemical compounds which may incorporate radioactive carbon. It was established that the form of occurrence is determined by the operational properties of specific graphite element in the reactor core. 14C binding energy in the structure of irradiated graphite was evaluated and depth of its penetration in the structure was calculated. It was established that selective extraction of this radionuclide is possible only under elevated temperatures in weakly oxidizing environment which is explained by the binding energy reaching up to 800 kJ/mole in the process of chemical sorption of 14C on the surface of graphite and depth of its occurrence equal to ~ 70 nm in the course of ion implantation. It was demonstrated that radioactive carbon generated according to 13C(n, γ)14C nuclear reaction is uniformly distributed among graphite elements and possesses binding energy ~477 kJ/mole. Its selective extraction is possible only under the condition of destruction of graphite crystalline lattice and organization of the process of isotopic separation. The obtained results allow recommending the most efficient methods of handling irradiated graphite during decommissioning uranium-graphite reactors.
Uranium-graphite reactors, irradiated graphite, binding energy, binding strength, radionuclide, radioactive carbon, processing decontamination.
14C generated and accumulated along several independent channels under the effects of natural and technogenous factors is one of long-lived radionuclides which are the most widely spread in nature. Interaction of neutron cosmic radiation with light nuclei refers, first of all, to natural factors. The rate of generation of radioactive nuclei of 14C depends on the neutron flux density and is estimated to be equal to 2.5 atom/(s∙cm2). In this case the largest amount of this radionuclide is generated at the height of 12 km above the sea level (
Nuclear tests and operation of nuclear fuel cycle facilities refer to technogenous factors of generation of 14C. Here, the latter factor plays the decisive role in the accumulation of this radionuclide. As much as 250 000 tons of radioactive graphite wastes (RW) were accumulated in Russia and abroad during the period of existence of nuclear power industry. Mass of irradiated graphite per one power unit reaches from 800 to 2500 t. Here, specific activity of 14C in irradiated reactor graphite varies within the range of 104 – 106 Bq/g.
Class of graphite RW generated during decommissioning uranium-graphite nuclear reactors is determined by the quantity (activity) of the most long-lived 14C radionuclide. Cost of final disposal of graphite RW is directly dependent on the RW class and, therefore, on the concentration of radioactive carbon. That is why reduction of cost of handling graphite RW is possible under the condition of successful resolution of the task of selective extraction of 14C.
Selection of approaches, methods and technical means of handling irradiated graphite is determined, apart from everything else, by the form of occurrence and binding energy of 14C. However, this issue is the subject of much controversy among both Russian (
The largest quantities of 14C are generated in the cores of uranium-graphite nuclear reactors of PUGR (production uranium-graphite reactors), RBMK, AM and AMB types. In this case specific features of operation of graphite stack are the determining factors from the viewpoint of accumulation of 14C. For the purposes of prevention of oxidation and cooling down of graphite internal volume of the reactor is purged with high-purity nitrogen and nitrogen-helium mixture circulated through independent closed loop under pressure close to atmospheric pressure. Besides the above, penetration of air containing nitrogen into the reactor purging system due to infiltration environment, as well as nitrogen present in the purging mixture because of the impossibility of its complete purification is possible. Because of the operational features the number of independent channels of 14C accumulation in graphite elements of uranium-graphite reactor (UGR) is different. The following nuclear reactions can be attributed to the main nuclear reactions resulting in the generation of radioactive carbon:
13C(n, γ)14C, 17O(n, α)14C, 16O(n, 3p)14C, 15N(n, d)14C, 14N(n, p)14C, 235U(n, f)14C, 239Pu(n, f)14C.
Generation of 14C from stable 13C isotope is typical for all types of UGR graphite stacks but, however, the fraction of 14C generated according to this channel is insignificant. Firstly, maximum possible quantity of this radionuclide is limited by the initial concentration of stable isotope which is equal in natural mixture of isotopes to ~ 1.1 %. Secondly, cross-section of 13C(n, γ)14C reaction amounts to approximately 0.9 mbarn, and, notably, absorption of thermal neutrons predominantly takes place. This results in the uniform generation of 14C among graphite elements. Calculated value of 14C generation rate according to the reaction channel under examination here is equal for RBMK-1000 reactor to 1.4∙1010 Bq/day per one graphite stack (
The largest quantity of 14C in reactor graphite is generated according to 14N(n, p)14C reaction because of high value of cross-section of neutron interactions with 14N nuclei (s = 1800 mbarn). This nuclear reaction is possible because nitrogen is present in the non-irradiated graphite in the form of micro-impurities or is present in the composition of gases in the purging mixture used in the process of operation of nuclear reactor. In the first case microscopic impurities are present in graphite because of the impossibility of complete purification of graphite preforms in the process of their production. Despite long-term calcination in special kilns at temperatures of 2300 – 3000°C and processing in aggressive environment (for instance, in chlorine or in difluorochloromethane) (
One of the channels of 14C accumulation in the uranium-graphite nuclear reactor core are nuclear reactions on oxygen nuclei 17O(n, α)14C and 16O(n, 3p)14C for which cross-sections of neutron interactions with nucleus are equal to 240 mbarn and 2.2 mbarn, respectively. Activation of oxygen found in the purge gas, in coolant and in nuclear fuel (for nuclear reactors of RBMK type where ceramic fuel in the form of uranium dioxide UO2 is used) takes place as a rule. Oxygen can be present in reactor graphite in the form of compounds with carbon penetrating graphite in the process of its production.
In the process of graphitization during production of nuclear graphite carbon atoms having free bonds on the discontinuity boundary can combine with O2 which is not completely removed during purification.
It is worth mentioning that 14C can be generated during ternary fission of 235U and 239Pu nuclei which can penetrate graphite stack in case of loss of hermiticity of cladding of fuel elements caused by drainage of water from pressure channel and disturbance of heat removal regime. Approximately 9.1∙10–7 and 3.1∙10–7 14C nuclei are generated in this case per one act of fission of 235U and 239Pu, respectively (
Thus, nuclear reactions 13C(n, γ)14C, 14N(n, p)14C, 17O(n, α)14C are the main channels of accumulation of 14C radionuclide in elements of UGR graphite stack.
The question of the form of occurrence of long-lived 14C radionuclide in irradiated graphite is the most important from the viewpoint of selection of the methods of handling during decommissioning of UGR reactors. It is connected with the fact that carbon can form chemical bond with practically all elements of periodic table. Moreover, it is included in the composition of all organic compounds which are capable to enter biological chains thus representing hazard to human health.
14C radionuclide generated according to 13C(n, g)14C reaction has, probably, strong bond with other atoms of crystalline lattice and is practically immune against selective separation without destruction of graphite crystalline lattice. However, position of 14C in the lattice in the case of reaction on nuclei of stable isotope 13C will be determined by the energy of absorbed neutron. This is associated with the fact that fast (damaging) neutrons energy of which amounts, on the average, to 2 MeV are capable to displace atoms from the points of crystalline lattice due to elastic interactions (
Emission of proton by excited 15N nucleus and creation of 14C nucleus with recoil energy ~ 41,1 keV take place in case of 14C formation according to 14N(n, p)14C neutron reaction (
Results obtained during studies of samples of irradiated graphite using time-of-flight mass-spectrometer demonstrate that 14C can also be found in the following compounds: 14C(N), 14CH(NH), 14CH2(NH2), 14CC(CN), 14C–14C(N2), 14C–14CH(N2H), 14CO(NO), 14CCN.14C–14CC(CN2), 14CCO(CNO), 14CO2(NO2) (
14C compounds formed during ternary fission of heavy nuclei according to (n, f) reaction are of interest. Penetrating graphite stack fragments of nuclear fuel enter as the result of effects of multiple factors in chemical interactions with graphite, water vapors and with air. Spilled fuel was irradiated during extended period in the reactor stack which facilitated accumulation of transuranic elements and fission products which contained 14C. As the result of accidents radioactive carbon can be found in the following forms: UC2, UC, U2C3, PuC2, PuC, Pu2C3 (
Question of binding energy of 14C radionuclide in graphite structural elements is important from the viewpoint of selection of the method for decontamination, re-processing or utilization of irradiated nuclear graphite of UGR reactors. The character of bond of the radionuclide in question will be first of all determined by its chemical form. However, the history of exposure of the selected element of graphite stack and the channels of formation of 14C in it are of not insignificant importance as well.
14C radionuclide formed in 13C(n, g)14C nuclear reaction on thermal neutrons and found in the graphite crystalline lattice is rigidly bound with adjoining atoms. Here, every carbon atom forms in the crystalline lattice of irradiated graphite bond with three other atoms and is found in the state of sp2-hybridization. Binding energy of 14C in graphite crystalline lattice is close to binding energy of stable isotopes which amounts on the average to 477 kJ/mole (
Rupture of chemical bonds between nitrogen atoms because of high recoil energy of the formed radioactive carbon nucleus occurs in the formation of 14C according to 14N(n, p)14C nuclear reaction. Probably the recoil energy is transformed into the energy of thermal motion of 14C which is decelerated during its propagation through the purging gas. Compounds containing 14C thus formed can be held on the surface of irradiated graphite under the effects of Van der Waals forces (
a = a¥P/(K + P), (1)
where a¥ is the maximum concentration of the substance (maximum adsorption); P is the partial pressure of the gas; K is the adsorption equilibrium constant.
During physical adsorption binding energy of 14C compounds on the surface of graphite amounts to (4 – 72) kJ/mole and depends on the form of occurrence of the radionuclide. During operation of graphite stack in normal operation mode specific energy of thermal movement of purging gas varies within the range of 3.6 – 10 kJ/mole depending on the type of UGR. In extreme or emergency conditions this value can reach 15 kJ/mole. Therefore, part of 14C compounds adsorbed on the surface of graphite is carried away by purging gas. Only molecules located deeply inside the pores of reactor graphite (as a rule, inside closed pores) where energy of thermal movement of molecules of purging gas does not exceed the binding energy remain on the surface.
Chemisorption characterized with increased binding energy and depth of penetration of 14C takes place in case of aggravation of adsorption by chemical interaction between compounds containing 14C and graphite surface. This results in the irreversibility of the sorption process during operation of graphite stack of nuclear reactor and to the change of structure of adsorbate and adsorbent. Following the Zeldovich theory of chemical reaction rate on porous or powder-like substances the depth of penetration of 14C radionuclide is reversely proportional to the square root of reaction rate constant (
where D is the effective diffusion coefficient depending on the number and diameter of pores in irradiated graphite; c is the concentration of contaminant at depth x; Kr is the rate constant of chemical reaction per unit surface; S is the specific surface per unit volume of porous substance; f (c) is the function of chemical reaction rate dependent on the reaction order.
Calculations were performed using equation (2). Taking into account specific features and time of exposure of different graphite elements in the UGR maximum depth of penetration of 14C formed from nitrogen participating in the purging of graphite stack amounts in replaceable parts to ~ 10 – 20 nm and that in graphite blocks is not more than 50 nm. Estimation was performed for chemical compounds represented in the study.
Absolutely different process leading to the accumulation of the radionuclide in question in the near subsurface layer can occur on the surface of irradiated graphite along with adsorption of 14C compounds formed on nitrogen nuclei participating in purging graphite stack (Fig.
During long time this channel of accumulation was not examined during estimation of quantity and depth of implantation of 14C in irradiated graphite. However, since recent time it attracts more and more attention because it was proven that up to 80% of radioactive carbon in the near subsurface layer of graphite is formed as the result of implantation (
where N is the density of 14C atoms per unit volume; E is the energy of 14C atom; Sn is the cross-section of nuclear (elastic) deceleration; Se is the cross-section of inelastic deceleration; R is the depth of implantation.
Quantity of 14C along the depth of irradiated graphite can be estimated using Gaussian function knowing the depth of implantation R and assuming that distribution of implanted ions is symmetrical:
where D is the integral flux of 14C per unit surface of graphite (including pores); E is the energy of 14C atom; x is the distance from external surface of graphite to the place of implantation; q is the angle between the direction of 14C implantation and normal to the surface of graphite.
Maximum depth of 14C implantation in the graphite crystalline lattice of UGR reactors of PUGR and RBMK types amounts to 55 – 70 nm taking into account the operational features of these reactors and with Se = 585 – 730 keV/μm, Sn = 10 – 15 keV/μm. For foreign reactors of UNGG type this value amounts to ~ 0.9 nm. In this case 14C is found in the form of defects and interstitions between points and planes of crystalline lattice.
It was demonstrated in the study that long-lived 14C radionuclide is mainly formed in irradiated graphite according to the following three independent channels: 13C(n, g)14C, 14N(n, p)14C, 17O(n, a)14C. This explains its heterogeneous distribution in the graphite structure. Here, most part of radioactive carbon is formed on 14N nuclei which are present in non-irradiated graphite in the form of microscopic impurities and in the composition of gas used for purging graphite stack in the process of reactor operation. 14C radionuclide formed according to 14N(n, p)14C nuclear reaction is localized in the near subsurface layer of graphite (in the near subsurface layer of pores) at the depth of not more than 50 nm and possesses binding energy with graphite up to 800 kJ/mole which is explained by the processes of adsorption and chemisorption. However, selective extraction of this radionuclide is possible only at elevated temperatures in weakly oxidizing environment. In case of ion implantation 14C is found at the depth of not more than 70 nm and complete removal of contaminated layer is required for its extraction. Besides that, radioactive carbon formed according to 13C(n, γ)14C nuclear reaction is uniformly distributed over irradiated graphite elements and possesses binding energy equal to ~ 477 kJ/mole. Its selective extraction is possible only after destruction of crystalline lattice and organization of isotope separation process.
Results of experimental studies of processing the surface of irradiated graphite taken from PUGR and RBMK reactor stacks in the environment consisting of argon and oxygen concentration of which was lower than stoichiometric quantity were presented earlier (