Research Article |
Corresponding author: Galina V. Lavrentyeva ( ) Academic editor: Georgy Tikhomirov
© 2023 Boris I. Synzynys, Thi Kim Phung Nguyen, Olga A. Momot, Galina V. Lavrentyeva.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Synzynys BI, Nguyen TKP, Momot OA, Lavrentyeva GV (2023) Radiation risk assessment for the population from C-14 emissions of the World’s first NPP and Smolensk NPP. Nuclear Energy and Technology 9(4): 233-237.
The results of the internal radiation dose calculations for the population and the assessment of the radiation risk from radioactive carbon C-14 during the normal operation of the World’s First Nuclear Power Plant in Obninsk and Smolensk NPP are presented. Calculations were carried out using two methods, taking into account the inhalation and oral intake of C-14 with food into the human body. Radiation doses are 5.69·10-9 Sv/year and 5.95·10-9 Sv/year (for Obninsk NPP), 3.77·10-7 Sv/year and 3.96·10-7 Sv/year (for Smolensk NPP), which is orders of magnitude less than the established minimum significant dose (10 μSv). The assessed levels of radiation risk for the population does not exceed the risk established by NRB 99/2009 (1·10-5). It was found that the main contribution to the formation of the dose and risk of internal radiation of the population from C-14 radiation, released by the respective NPP, was the incorporation of radionuclide with locally produced food products, which is confirmed by the results of calculations using two methods, taking into account the influence of two nuclear power plants.
carbon-14, nuclear power plant, internal radiation dose, radiation risk, inhalation, food consumption
After the World’s First NPP was put into operation in Obninsk in 1954, and in the course of introducing nuclear technologies, public safety of radiation facilities was of paramount importance. In the early days of the nuclear industry evolution, however, the regulatory framework in the field of health physics was not so perfect which caused difficulties in assessing operating safety of radiologically hazardous facilities for the public. Currently, a comprehensive framework has been established for the radiological safety regulation, and technologies have been developed for its implementation. One of the key radiation safety criteria is a constraint, that is, a pre-introduced value of individual risk involved in the radiation from the given source (risk constraint), which is used in situations with scheduled exposure as one of the parameters for optimizing protection and safety as applied to the source in question, and serves as a constraint for determining the range of options in the process of optimization (
The accumulated knowledge makes it possible to assess retrospectively the radiation situation in the observation area of the World’s First NPP (with the AM-1 reactor: AM is the Russian abbrevation for Peaceful Atom) in the course of its operation years. For comparion, we shall characterize the radiological hazard for the population currently residing in the observation area of the Smolensk NPP with RBMK-1000 reactors.
In this paper, the radiological hazard from radioactive carbon (C-14) generated in NPPs in appreciable quantities will be chosen for comparison and demonstration of the NPP public safety. İt should be noted that expert studies show that gas and aerosol C-14 emissions account for much of the contribution to the exposure dose for the population residing in the vicinity of nuclear power and industry sites (
The purpose of the study is to assess comparatively the radiation risk from radioactive carbon emissions for the Obninsk population in the course of operating the World’s First NPP and for the population residing in the Smolensk NPP observation area.
The purpose of the study is to investigate C-14 emissions from the Obninsk and Smolensk NPPs. The Obninsk NPP with the AM-1 pressure-tube graphite-water reactor was in operation in 1954–2002. Along with electricity and heat production, the AM-1 reactor with an electric power of 5 MW and a thermal power of 30 MW was used for generation of isotopic products, neutronic and solid body physics studies, and many other investigations, specifically for in-core detectors and reactivity control rods (
The internal exposure doses and risks were estimated using a number of methods to minimize the risk estimation uncertainties.
The C-14 emission data required for the calculations were borrowed from (
Further estimates require determining the C-14 volumetric activity in the Obninsk NPP affected area. The yearly averaged Obninsk NPP emissions amount to 0.18 TBq/g.
The C-14 volumetric activity in the atmospheric air is assumed to depend linearly on the radionuclide annual emission:
The calculated volumetric activity of C-14 in the Obninsk NPP affected area is assumed to be equal to 3.24·10-4 Bq/m3.
Method 1 for calculating the public internal exposure dose in the NPP observation area is based on data contained in
A number of assumptions were made to calculate the committed annual internal dose and estimate the public radiation risk from C-14 emissions.
The annual internal exposure dose for C-14 emissions is calculated based on assumed inhalation and ingestion human exposure pathways.
The current methodologies for calculating the committed annual exposure dose based on calculated volumetric activities of radionuclides in atmospheric air rely on the assumption that equilibrium of the radionuclide specific activity in air and biological tissue is achieved (
D C-14 = εinhUCC-14_a + εfΣaiRiCC-14_p,i, (1)
where εinh is the dose conversion factor for the C-14 inhalation equal to 2.0·10-9 Sv/Bq (
Most of the models take into account only atmospheric carbon pollution as the result of gas and aerosol emissions. In the process of photosynthesis, СО2 is incorporated into the plant organic substance. Equilibrium is achieved then between the specific activity of radioactive carbon in СО2 and С-14 as part of the plant organic substance being “built” (
In connection with the foregoing, the content of C-14 in plant products was estimated using formula
C р C-14_p,i = fv,i CC-14_a /CC-12_a, (2)
where fv,i is the share of carbon in the ith plant product, kgC/kg (in accordance with
The content of radioactive carbon in plant products is calculated using formula
C C-14_p,i = fap,i fcont,i CC-14_a / CC-12_a, (3)
where fap,i is the share of carbon in the ith animal product, kgC/kg (in accordance with
Method 2 for estimating the exposure dose formed by the C-14 radionuclide incorporated into the human body is based on the IAEA publication (
The effective annual dose from beta radiation of the C-14 contained in food products is calculated using the formula below
E = AfC,a g, (4)
where E is the effective dose, Sv/year; A is the specific activity of C-14 (Bq/gC) in local food products; fC,a is the share of carbon in locally produced foods (assumed to be equal to 1); and g is the effective dose factor (the ratio between the annual dose rate (Sv/year) and the concentration of C-14 per g of carbon in human body) assumed to be equal to 5.6·10-5 Sv/year per Bq/gC.
The value of the C-14 specific activity in atmospheric air is calculated using formula
A = CC-14_a /C, (5)
where A is the C-14 specific activity value, Bq/gC; CC-14_a is the volumetric activity of C-14 in the NPP deployment area air, Bq/m3; and С is the average concentration of carbon in atmospheric air (equal to 0.18 g/m3) which fits the average concentration of СО2 in the atmosphere equal to 330 ррm.
The contribution to the human exposure via the inhalation intake of C-14 was estimated in the same way as with Method 1.
The calculated specific activities of C-14 in food products are: 0.12 and 7.76 Bq/kg for milk, 0.36 and 23.89 Bq/kg for meat, and 0.08 Bq/kg and 5.49 Bq/kg for potato for Obninsk and Desnogorsk respectively.
The public radiation risk for the NPP affected area was estimated based on recommendations contained in the methodology provided in
According to the classical definition, the lifetime risk magnitude is directly proportional to the effective exposure dose with the radiation risk factor taken into account
ri = Ei rE,i, (6)
where ri is the individual lifetime risk, person-1; Ei is the effective exposure dose, Sv; and rE,i is the lifetime risk factor, Sv-1.
The risk was estimated taking into account the assumptions formulated for the public exposure dose calculation. The lifetime risk factor is determined for the human inhalation intake of C-14 and for the ingestion intake with locally produced foods.
The radiation risk for the human inhalation intake of C-14 during the year was calculated using formula
rE ,inh = rinh U CC-14_a, (7)
where rinh is the radiation risk factor for inhalation of the C-14 carbon, risk/Bq (rinh = 1.3·10-10 risk/Bq (
The radiation risk from the C-14 beta radiation during the C-14 dietary intake is determined using the following formula
rE ,ing = ring ΣCf,i Ri Bi, (8)
where ring is the radiation risk factor for the C-14 intake with food assumed to be equal to 7.9·10-11 risk/Bq (
The estimated internal exposure dose for adult population from the C-14 emission in the event of the human radionuclide intake when inhaling contaminated air and with local food products is presented in Table
NPP | Calculated annual exposure dose from C-14, Sv (Method 1) | Calculated annual exposure dose from C-14, Sv (Method 2) | ||
Inhalation intake of C-14 | Ingestion intake of C-14 | Inhalation intake of C-14 | Ingestion intake of C-14 | |
Obninsk | 1.63·10-11 | 5.67·10-9 | 1.63·10-11 | 5.93·10-9 |
Smolensk | 1.08·10-9 | 3.76·10-7 | 1.08·10-9 | 3.95·10-7 |
The major contributor to the public internal exposure dose from the C-14 radiation is the radionuclide intake with food products which is confirmed by the results of the calculations based on two methods, taking into account the effects from two NPPs (Table
The calculated values of the annual internal exposure doses were taken into account to estimate the individual radiation risk from the C-14 radionuclide emissions (Table
Individual lifetime radiation risk from C-14 emissions for Desnogorsk and Obninsk residents
NPP | Risk, person-1 | Cumulative risk (Method 1) | Cumulative risk (Method 2) | ||
Inhalation | For food products | ||||
(Method 1) | (Method 2) | ||||
Obninsk | 5.55·1-21 | 3.50·10-17 | 3.65·10-17 | 3.50·10-17 | 3.65·10-17 |
Smolensk | 2.45·10-17 | 1.54·10-13 | 1.61·10-13 | 1.54·10-13 | 1.61·10-13 |
Most of the risk from the C-14 internal beta radiation for the public in the NPP observation area adjoining localities is formed via the consumption of locally produced foods.
No excessive values of the risk constraint (1·10-5 (
It has been found based on the obtained estimates for the exposure dose from the NPP-emitted atmospheric C-14 radiation that the annual effective public internal exposure dose in the normal operation mode of the World’s First Nuclear Power Plant in Obninsk and the Smolensk NPP is much below the minimum significant dose of 10 µSv.
The value of the total individual lifetime risk (from inhalation and ingestion of food products contaminated with C-14) for the public is much smaller than the specified constraint of the generalized public radiation risk (1·10-5 person–1 (