Research Article |
Corresponding author: Nikita O. Kushnir ( ) Academic editor: Georgy Tikhomirov
© 2023 Yury A. Kazansky, Nikita O. Kushnir, Ekaterina S. Khnykina.
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Kazansky YuA, Kushnir NO, Khnykina ES (2023) Multiple usage of thorium-based fuel in a VVER-1000 reactor. Nuclear Energy and Technology 9(2): 93-98.
This paper considers the use of unconventional fuel in nuclear power reactors, using the example of a VVER-type unit, in order to find out the possibility of saving natural fissile uranium nuclei. Saving fissile uranium is one of the important tasks, the solution of which will give time for the development of a two-component nuclear power industry that will have no problems with fuel resources. However, at present, the reserves of cheap uranium can provide the existing level of global nuclear energy for only 80–100 years.
The main components of this proposed fuel are 232Th and fissile isotopes of uranium: 235U (loaded) and 233U (produced from thorium). All the uranium isotopes and added 235U nuclei at the beginning of the campaign account for about 6% of the number of thorium nuclei and uranium isotopes. The abbreviated name of this fuel is TORUR-5.
To keep fissionable nuclei in the fuel cycle after the spent fuel is unloaded, it is envisaged that all the heavy nuclei will be returned back to the reactor after they have been cleaned from fission fragments, i.e., the fuel cycle will be closed. At the same time, the principle of annual movement of fuel assemblies (as they burn up) is the same as in the existing VVER-1000 reactors.
Using the Serpent software, a reactor model was built, the composition and dimensions of which were close to the parameters of the VVER-1000 serial unit. The main results of calculations were the quantitative compositions of isotopes annually loaded into the reactor as well as the amounts of 235U and thorium added also annually. The analysis of the obtained results allowed us to make the following conclusions.
The annual reloading of 235U during the computation period is required almost at a constant level and, in comparison with uranium fuel, is about half as much. This is feasible for the following reasons. Part of the fissions of 235U is replaced by the fission of 233U produced from 232Th. In addition, fissionable nuclei are kept in the closed Th-U fuel cycle. This is the first “advantage” of the proposed fuel. TORUR-5 requires uranium enriched to at least 90%, the cost of which is several times higher than that of 3–5% enriched uranium.
But since much less highly enriched uranium is required, the cost of fuel for a TORUR-5-fueled VVER-1000 reactor is significantly lower. This is the second “advantage” of the proposed fuel.
The negative characteristic of TORUR-5, which requires further investigation, is that, after the initial loading, several uranium isotopes appear in the returned fuel, the total radioactivity of which, according to estimates, exceeds the radioactivity of traditional 3–5% enriched uranium fuel by several thousand times. At the same time, the radioactivity of discharged spent conventional fuel exceeds the radioactivity of fresh fuel by millions of times, and this problem has been solved at NPPs both organizationally and technically. Therefore, it will be necessary to develop a technology for loading TORUR-5, taking into account the estimated radioactivity.
VVER-1000, thorium, uranium-thorium fuel cycle, multiple use of fuel, saving natural resources
As is known, the sources of natural uranium are limited (
Let us use data on the fuel cycle of VVER-1000 reactors, the most common type of nuclear power plant reactors, to estimate the annual consumption of uranium in the nuclear power industry, assuming (not without reason) that the consumption of uranium in the end in an open fuel cycle with uranium fuel does not depend at a first approximation on the enrichment of fresh fuel. It is known, for example, that the thermal power of the VVER-1000 reactor is 3.2 GW with fuel loading into the core of 80 tons (
Uranium price, $/kg | ||||
< 40 | < 80 | < 130 | < 250 | |
Uranium mass, t | 1,080,500 | 2,007,600 | 6,147,800 | 8,070,400 |
This means that if there is a willingness to pay $260/kg for uranium, then the nuclear power industry will be provided with uranium resources at the current level for 109 years. And with a limit of $130/kg, the resources will last only 83 years.
The deployment of a large-scale power industry with fast reactors will take several decades, when cheap natural resources of uranium will be depleted. Therefore, issues related to the economy of fissile 235U nuclei may become relevant. Interest in various fuel compositions for thermal neutron reactors with fuel cycle closure (i.e., return of heavy nuclei to the reactor after their chemical separation from spent fuel), including the introduction of thorium into the fuel, began to appear more than 30 years ago, for example, the possibility of accumulating 233U in VVER reactors was considered in
Saving uranium is possible in the power industry with thermal neutron reactors operating at supercritical parameters. Currently, this technology is being actively studied in order to solve the problems presented, for example, in
First of all, we should note the French research on replacing some of the fresh uranium fuel in operating reactors with uranium, plutonium and a complex combination of uranium, plutonium and thorium separated from spent nuclear fuel (SNF). The results of French researchers’ experiments with thorium-plutonium MOX fuel have shown that it has some advantages over U-Pu MOX fuel (
Russian researchers have confirmed the possibility of accumulating 233U in VVER-type reactors. However, they focused on ways to minimize the accumulation of 232U but not at the stage of switching to Th-U fuel (
In the late 1990s, the possibility of using thorium as applied to existing pressurized reactors was investigated in
There are also studies of the potential of the thorium cycle carried out by foreign scientists
This paper considers one of the possible ways to reduce the consumption of fissile uranium nuclei in operating pressurized water reactors (PWRs) of NPPs. The idea is to switch thermal reactors to a new fuel, a mixture of 235U dioxide and thorium dioxide (abbreviated as TORUR-5), as well as to close the fuel cycle.
For the manufacture of fresh fuel from SNF, heavy nuclei are isolated with the addition of 235U and thorium to restore the reactivity margin. Closing the fuel cycle for the return of uranium and thorium to the reactor after they are cleaned from fission fragments reduces the amount of necessary additional loading of 235U.
In the calculations performed, the time dependence of the isotopic composition of the unloaded and, consequently, loaded fuel is determined. This is important because the isotopic composition of uranium changes not only due to the formation of fissile 233U nuclei and the remnant of unburned 235U nuclei, but also due to the formation of new neutron absorbers, i.e., nuclei such as 234U and 236U.
The accumulation of the latter increases the required additional loading of 235U nuclei and thus reduces the gain from using the proposed fuel. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the most effective number of refuelings with the recovery of uranium and thorium from spent fuel.
It is also necessary to determine the amount of its 232nd isotope accumulated in uranium. The accumulation of this isotope will have little effect on the economy of 235U nuclei, since in a thermal reactor the ratio of the radiation capture cross sections to the fission cross sections for this isotope is close to unity. However, 232U has a short half-life, which can affect the radioactivity and power release of recovered uranium from SNF. This will require additional constructive and organizational measures at NPPs. Finally, it is necessary to determine how the enrichment of uranium in the addition of fuel will affect the parameters of such a fuel cycle.
For the calculations, we used the Serpent software package based on the Monte Carlo method (
The task of the calculation was to compare the consumption of 235U with traditional fuel and with TORUR-5 fuel. The model was based on a serial core of the VVER-1000 reactor (Kolobashkin et al. 1989;
Based on the data in the table, we can determine that the annual consumption of 235U in the existing fuel cycle is 982 kg.
The fuel assembly of the VVER-1000 reactor has 312 fuel elements, 18 holes for absorbers, and a central tube (Fig.
Core consisting of three sections with different burnups. Purple color indicates “fresh” fuel assemblies (Section 1), gray color indicates fuel assemblies after one year of reactor operation (Section 2), pink color indicates fuel assemblies after two years of reactor operation (Section 3).
Section 1 containing “fresh” fuel (with zero iteration, traditional fuel is used, i.e., 238U with 4.2% enrichment in 235U; thorium and 235U are in subsequent iterations);
Section 2 containing assemblies that have worked for a year (350 days), with fission products and a modified composition of heavy nuclei; and
Section 3 containing assemblies that have been in operation for two years (700 days), with fission products and a modified composition of heavy nuclei.
One iteration involves the calculation of the reactor campaign (350 days), i.e., determination of changes in the compositions of fuel sections (1, 2 and 3), reactivity and burnup during a given period of time.
Every 350 days, we have new section compositions at the outlet, and the reactor is refueled as follows. “Fresher” fuel is moved to the fuel assemblies that have been in operation for a year, and the latter assemblies are moved to replace the ones that have been in operation for two years. The fuel assembly is returned to the place of “fresh” fuel after three years of operation of the reactor, taking into account chemical purification from fission products and the addition of 235U and 232Th nuclei so that the sum of heavy nuclei does not change and the reactivity at the end of the campaign differs from zero by less than one fraction of delayed neutrons for 235U. The iterative process continues until the addition of fuel composition becomes unchanged. As a result, the content of 235U in the resulting fuel will be compared with the initial one – for the zero iteration with traditional fuel, from which it will be possible to draw conclusions about saving natural uranium. The irradiation conditions (normalization for power, temperature, and geometry) are taken unchanged, i.e., only the fuel composition changes. The density of thorium oxide, equal to 9.87 g/cm3, was taken from the handbook “Chemist’s Handbook. Basic Properties of Inorganic and Organic Compounds” 1963 (
The main results are shown in Table
The composition of heavy nuclei is given in units of “1024 nuclei/cm3”. Recall that the data on the loaded fuel, from which additional loadings of thorium and 235U are subtracted, represent the composition of heavy nuclei after the extraction of fission fragments. Taking into account the data in Table
Parameter | Value |
Thermal power, MW | 3210 |
Core height in working condition, mm | 3550 |
Core specific power, MW/m2 | 115 |
Number of fuel assemblies, pcs. | 163 |
Number of fuel elements in fuel assemblies, pcs. | 312 |
Fuel assembly width across flats/pitch, mm | 234/236 |
Fuel element outer diameter/pitch, mm | 9.1 × 0.65/12.75 |
UO2 fuel loading in the core, t | 80.098 |
Average fuel loading in fuel assemblies, kg | 491.4 |
Number of guide channels, pcs. | 18 |
Guide channel diameter, mm. | 12.6 × 0.85 |
Fuel pellet diameter, mm | 7.57 |
Fuel pellet hole diameter, mm | 1.4 |
Operational life in an equilibrium fuel cycle, eff. days | 350 |
Average enrichment of loaded fuel assemblies, % | 4.2 |
Number of reloaded fuel assemblies, pcs. | 54 |
In the first three iterations, the burnt-up fuel with uranium, plutonium and minor actinides is sent to SNF storage facilities according to the standard scheme and is replaced by TORUR-5 fuel (thorium with the addition of 235U). The load for the fourth and subsequent iterations is formed from uranium and thorium separated from SNF, purified from fission fragments and with the addition of 235U and thorium, which is indicated in the penultimate rows of the table to compensate for their burnup. The table is built on the assumption that reprocessing SNF and manufacturing fresh fuel elements and fuel assemblies are carried out instantly. It is obvious that the annual consumption of 235U is determined by the amounts shown in the penultimate rows of the tables. The average value of the annual consumption is (5.76 ± 0.28).1020 nuclei/cm3 starting from the fourth iteration (according to the data of Table
Parameter | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
232Th | 0.02114 | 0.02114 | 0.02114 | 0.02095 | 0.02096 | 0.02095 | 0.02072 | 0.02071 | 0.02074 | 0.02057 | 0.02057 | 0.02058 |
232U | – | – | – | 1.45Е-6 | 1.43Е-6 | 1.41Е-6 | 2.81Е-6 | 2.80Е-6 | 2.79Е-6 | 3.57Е-6 | 3.57Е-6 | 3.56Е-6 |
233U | – | – | – | 3.13Е-4 | 3.12Е-4 | 3.11Е-4 | 3.61Е-4 | 3.62Е-4 | 3.63Е-4 | 3.75Е-4 | 3.76Е-4 | 3.76Е-4 |
234U | – | – | – | 5.19Е-5 | 5.18Е-5 | 5.08Е-5 | 1.03Е-4 | 1.02Е-4 | 1.02Е-4 | 1.37Е-4 | 1.37Е-4 | 1.36Е-4 |
235U | 0.001127 | 0.001127 | 0.001127 | 7.43E-4 | 7.41E-4 | 7.46E-4 | 7.69Е-4 | 7.80Е-4 | 7.51Е-4 | 7.70Е-4 | 7.73Е-4 | 7.67Е-4 |
236U | – | – | – | 1.53Е-4 | 1.53Е-4 | 1.52Е-4 | 2.29Е-4 | 2.29Е-4 | 2.29Е-4 | 3.00Е-4 | 3.01Е-4 | 2.98Е-4 |
ρ (init.) | 0.1206 | 0.1132 | 0.1125 | 0.1110 | 0.1111 | 0.1101 | 0.1085 | 0.1104 | 0.1097 | 0.1052 | 0.1041 | 0.1038 |
ρ (fin.) | –0.0019 | –0.0042 | 0.0008 | 0.0017 | –0.0004 | –0.0031 | –0.0005 | 0.0039 | 0.0058 | 0.0048 | 0.0048 | 0.0053 |
Δρ | 0.1225 | 0.1174 | 0.1117 | 0.1093 | 0.1115 | 0.1132 | 0.1090 | 0.1065 | 0.1039 | 0.1004 | 0.0993 | 0.0985 |
235U* | – | – | – | +5.4Е-4 | +5.4Е-4 | +5.4Е-4 | +6.1Е-4 | +6.2Е-4 | +5.9Е-4 | +5.8Е-4 | +5.8Е-4 | +5.8Е-4 |
232Th* | – | – | – | +6.14Е-4 | +6.16Е-4 | +6.03Е-4 | +5.4Е-4 | +5.2Е-4 | +5.6Е-4 | +5.9Е-4 | +6.01Е-4 | +5.8Е-4 |
Previously, in the Calculation Model Section, the number of reloaded fuel elements, the total mass of fuel loaded into the core and the average enrichment of loaded fuel assemblies were given, which makes it possible to find the annual loading of 235U into the core. The annual consumption of 235U for the traditional campaign turned out to be 982 kg/yr.
Thus, the annual gain in 235U consumption in the case of TORUR-5 fuel is 398 kg, i.e., the reduction in the consumption of 235U is 1.68 times.
This paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the economic gain (loss) in replacing uranium fuel with TORUR-5 and switching from the traditional open fuel cycle scheme to the proposed one. We will restrict ourselves to estimates of the following important characteristics that affect economic indicators. The first of them is the cost of annually additionally loaded fuel.
Let us estimate the change in the fuel cost, taking into account the required amount of natural uranium, its conversion into uranium hexafluoride, enrichment work and reverse conversion of depleted and enriched uranium into uranium dioxide.
We define the relative cost for highly enriched uranium (95% content of 235U) and low enriched uranium (4.4%), which is used in the annual addition of fuel of VVER-1000 reactors, and denote it as Puran (95%/4.4%). The cost of 1 kg of natural uranium in the form of dioxide will be denoted as Puran, which includes the costs of converting the dioxide into uranium hexafluoride and, after enrichment, the conversion of uranium hexafluoride into dioxide. Let us designate the cost of one separation work unit (SWU) for one kg of uranium as PSWU. The ratio of the costs of uranium of different enrichment is determined using the cost of natural uranium, the conversion of dioxide into uranium hexafluoride and reverse procedure, and the cost of a SWU, i.e., “PSWU”. Taking into account the above remarks, the desired ratio of the costs of uranium of different enrichment can be written using the formula:
where С = Рuran/РSWU; NSWU is the number of SWU; Nuran is the amount of uranium (in kilograms).
We should add the costs of extracting fission fragments from spent nuclear fuel to the cost of highly enriched uranium. It will take about $20/kg to purify uranium from fission fragments, i.e., about half a million dollars.
Using the data for NSWU and Puran from
The second component may be related to the radioactivity of the additionally loaded TORUR-5 fuel. In VVER-1000 reactors, fresh fuel has a radioactivity of about 2.1010 Bq/t. In the open fuel cycle, the radioactivity of the TORUR-5 fuel is approximately half as low, but when the fuel cycle is closed, relatively short-lived uranium isotopes appear. The radioactivity of these isotopes by α-decays exceeds the traditional one by thousands of times. This fact is partly the result of the accumulation of 232U, the concentration of which at the 11th iteration was 3.57.1018 nuclei/cm3, while at the end of the traditional fuel campaign for the VVER-1000 reactor model used in this calculation, the concentration of this isotope was approximately 6.4.1011 nuclei/cm3. The reason for the discrepancy in the values of 232U concentrations is mainly the presence of accumulated 233U in the fuel, since the (n, 2n) reaction on this nuclide entails an increase in the amount of 232U, based on the calculation, by five orders of magnitude. A more detailed study of this issue is required, since the remaining radioactivity from fission fragments that could not be removed is not taken into account as well.
The calculated data allow us to draw the following conclusions: