D. A. Klinov, A. V. Gulevich, V. A. Eliseev, I. V. Bur’evskii, O. S. Gurskaya, V. M. Troyanov, C. Meriot, D. Lemasson, H. Velardo, N. Camarcat (2021)
Fast Reactor Aided Adjustment of Plutonium Isotope Composition.
Atomic Energy129: 270.
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Nikita V. Kovalev, Alexander M. Prokoshin, Alexander S. Kudinov, Vladimir A. Nevinitsa (2023)
Use of remix spent mixed fuel plutonium in the BN-1200 reactor.
Nuclear Energy and Technology9: 131.
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A. A. Tuzov, V. M. Troyanov, A. V. Gulevich, O. S. Gurskaya, V. M. Dekusar, A. L. Moseev, V. A. Simonenko (2022)
The Initial Stage of Closing the NFC of the Russian Two-Component Nuclear Power Engineering System.
Atomic Energy133: 72.
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Vladimir M. Troyanov, Andrey V. Gulevich, Olga S. Gurskaya, Viktor M. Dekusar, Vladimir A. Eliseev, Valeriy V. Korobeynikov, Andrey L. Moseev (2024)
System features of fast sodium reactors in a two-component structure of nuclear power generating.
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