Influence of uranium production cost, С, ($/kgU) on time-dependent change in uranium resources, m (C,t), (2021‒2070), Mt U (a) and annual uranium production, g (C, t), ktU/year (b), with the initial production growth rate of k0=4.1%/year which corresponds to the WNA-23 base scenario (The Nuclear Fuel Report 2023). The initial data on the relationship of uranium production cost with uranium resources, m0(С), and annual output, g0(С), for the world deposits in 2021 ((The Nuclear Fuel Report 2023, Uranium Production Cost Study 2021) are shown by heavy lines in a and b. The points in a are for the WNA’s 2021 data (The Nuclear Fuel Report 2023) for resources in 4 price categories of uranium deposits (see Table 1).

  Part of: Mirkhusanov UT, Semenova DYu, Kharitonov VV (2024) Forecasting the cost and volume of uranium mining for different world nuclear energy development scenarios. Nuclear Energy and Technology 10(2): 131-137.