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Article title
Implementation of the “practical elimination” principle at the level of accident sequences leading to a large accidental release
Implementation of the practical elimination principle for different phenomena inside the containment during severe accidents
Hydrogen detonation
Large thermal explosion
Direct containment heating
Overpressure within the containment
Containment failure at later stages due to the basement meltdown
Implementation of the “practical elimination” principle for specific scenarios of beyond-design-basis accidents
Major positive reactivity insertion (including non-uniform dilution of boric absorber)
Rupture of large-size pressurized components (e.g. the reactor vessel or large-size primary circuit components)
Fuel element failure in the spent fuel storage (pool)
Severe accidents with the containment integrity lost due to its bypass (e.g. in the event of the steam generator tube or header failures, the containment isolation valve failure to close, or an accident with a break in an adjacent system)
Severe accidents in the reactor state when the containment has lost its integrity or the means for eliminating the effects of severe accidents are out of service
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