Cost of enriched uranium products for a two-product separating stage with х1=4.95% and х2=7% depending on the fraction of DUHF with a concentration of c1=0.3% in the cascade feed (f = 0 – 1) and the fraction of high enriched product (β2 = Р2/Р), equal to 0.2 (а) and 0.8 (b), with a tails assay of у = 0.15%. Thicker lines match the limiting values of f = 0 and f = 100%. Initial prices: ЦF1 = ЦD = 0, ЦF2 = 90 $/kgU, ЦR = 45 $/SWU.

  Part of: Semenov EV, Kharitonov VV (2023) Calculation of the cost of enriched uranium products in multi-stream cascades of enrichment process. Nuclear Energy and Technology 9(1): 19-25.